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Aeronautical Engineering BEng (Hons)

University of Salford

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Course options

  • Qualification

    Bachelor of Engineering (with Honours) - BEng (Hon)

  • Location

    Peel Park Campus

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    3 Years

Course summary

Flight remains one of mankind's greatest achievements. With technology taking aviation further, prepare for a future career in this thrilling and lucrative sector with our BEng (Hons) Aeronautical Engineering degree.

Aeronautical engineering is the application of scientific and technological methods to research, design, develop, maintain, and performance test both civil and military aircraft. We’ve designed this BEng course to equip you with relevant technical and transferable skills in these areas, so you are ready for exciting career opportunities.

Develop in-demand engineering knowledge and skills

Delivered over three years – or four with a placement – you’ll study a suite of modules design to embed theoretical knowledge and creative application to help you become a world-class engineer. With a focus on real-world problems solving, you’ll explore how to improve fuel efficiency, ensure flight safety and apply using technology to take flight even further.Initially covering core engineering topics in relation to mathematics, electrical systems, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, structures and dynamics, you will start to explore aircraft design, including aircraft structures, flight systems, navigation, aerodynamics and performance. As you progress, you will focus on advanced flight systems, the aerodynamics of high-speed vehicles, and structural analysis using finite element methods. Learning takes place at our Peel Park campus, minutes from central Manchester. As an engineering student, you will experience hands-on learning using aeronautical laboratories, flight simulators and flight training system. You will also have the opportunity to gather real-time flight data with practical teaching using aircraft from Cranfield University’s National Flying Laboratory Centre. During the flight, the aircraft will conduct specific manoeuvres to gather flight data for your later analysis.Collaboration is core to our values, so we strive to embed this throughout your studies. You will experience group projects that will build your confidence and capabilities in team working, problem-solving and communication - all desirable skills for real-world aeronautical engineering careers.

Get closer to industry

The course team has long-standing connections with the aviation industry, both in the North West and beyond. You will benefit from stimulating range of external guest lecturers, project and placement opportunities, and engagement with professional networks, as you learn about the decision-making methods used by industry.You will also have the option to include an industry placement year between years two and three, where you can gain additional professional and transferable skills, and boost your employability once you graduate.

Our new home for engineering

In Autumn 2022, we opened our new £65 million hub for science, engineering and the environment - and our new home for engineering. Sustainability-designed and 100% electric powered, the building offers unrivalled teaching, learning and research facilities and provides exciting new spaces for industry collaboration.


• Develop a deeper understanding of the theory of statics and dynamics and flight control as related to the dynamic behaviour of an aircraft
• Learn about aircraft design, including detailed refinement of component design and major interactions that influence the overall design effectiveness
• Assess aircraft performance by modelling aerodynamic loads and propulsion system performance, leading to key results in both steady and accelerated flight
• This course is also available with an integrated masters pathway (Ucas code: H404)

Application deadline

29 January

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

Information not available

Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

Entry requirements

Choose a qualification

A level : BBC - BBB

Must include a minimum Grade C in A-Level Mathematics, and a minimum Grade C in one of the following: Chemistry, Computer Science, Electronics, Design and Technology, or Physics. AS-Level Physics at Grade C would also be accepted. A Pass must be achieved in all science practicals.


University information

University of Salford

  • University League Table


  • Campus address

    University of Salford, The Crescent, Salford, Manchester, M5 4WT, England

Subject rankings

  • Subject ranking

    24th out of 33 2

  • Entry standards

    / Max 218
    130 60%


  • Graduate prospects

    / Max 100
    70.0 70%


  • Student satisfaction

    / Max 4
    2.95 74%



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