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Applied Industrial Sciences - Chemical Level 5 Foundation Degree Higher Level Apprenticeship

Southern Regional College

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Course options

  • Qualification

    Higher Apprenticeship at Level 5

  • Location

    Newry Campus

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    2 years

Course summary

A Higher Level Apprenticeship is a work-based programme which enables you to earn while you learn and gain a nationally recognised professional qualification. The College will liaise with relevant employers to find you employment. This is subject to interview by the relevant employer. You will be in paid employment in a local pharmaceutical / life sciences company for 2 years and Southern Regional College will have a close relationship with your employer in mentoring you throughout your employment period.

The Foundation Degree in Applied Industrial Science (Chemical / Life Sciences) forms the underpinning knowledge for the Higher Level Apprenticeship programme. You will benefit greatly through this form of experiential learning by applying academic subject content in a work setting as well as developing a range of practical work related skills, decision making, communications, negotiating skills and teamwork.

All lecturers are highly experienced in their specific field with most educated to Masters level and some to PhD level. All lecturers have recent relevant industrial experience with some having worked in industry for a number of years prior to joining the College as lecturers. Through collaboration with industry students will receive the most up to date and relevant experience possible.

Tuition fees

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(International fees)

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University information

Southern Regional College

  • Campus address

    Southern Regional College, Lonsdale Campus, College Hill, Armagh, Armagh, BT61 7HN, Northern Ireland

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