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Arboriculture and Tree Management FdSc

University Centre Myerscough

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Course options

  • Qualification

    Foundation Degree in Science - FdSc

  • Location

    Preston Campus

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    2 Years

Course summary

About the course

The course is delivered at University Centre Myerscough and awarded by the University of Central Lancashire.

Arboriculture - the science and practice of establishing and maintaining trees, is a rewarding and exciting industry to enter. If you are interested in becoming an arboriculturalist or currently work in the industry and want to progress into tree survey and inspection, set up your own business or take on a supervisory role, this is the course for you. This course integrates aspects of science and technology to ensure that you are equipped with the necessary skill set for work at management level.

You will learn how to survey and inspect trees, diagnose decay and integrate tree biology and soil science into tree care and management strategies. A focus is also given to tree production and establishment practices, highlighting a range of current and innovative new techniques to help meet the challenge of planting trees in urban locations. Tree law, tree protection, safe working practices and the social, environmental, economic and aesthetic benefits of trees are also covered. A choice of option modules allows you to develop your skills in either research methods and data analysis or in business and entrepreneurship.

The development of work related practical skills and experiences is an integral part of the Foundation Degree in Arboriculture and Tree Management. A module dedicated to covering vocational skills and the opportunity to carry out an investigative project related to the arboriculture industry are key elements of the course. Many modules contain real-life scenarios for you to apply your knowledge. . Visiting speakers and trips to sites, employers and nurseries will provide you with excellent opportunities for networking within the industry to set you on the path towards a career in Arboriculture and Tree Management.

Learning Environment:

Learning activities on the course are diverse, including lectures, seminars, tutorials, practical sessions and workshops.

Students are expected to undertake extensive independent study and research to support lectures, seminars and assessments. Group work and group presentations form an important part of the course. Students will have access to specialist IT hardware and software, an on-line learning environment and reference facility.


This course is designed to ensure a wide variety of assessment types are undertaken, many of which directly reflect industry-related documentation and practices. These assessment methods will include technical reports, portfolios, exams, individual presentations, laboratory/practical reports, research posters and extended project work.


There are significant opportunities in the arboriculture industry for students with a foundation degree. A demand for skilled professionals is driven by planning requirements, environmental issues and the growing understanding of the value of greenspace to urban populations.

Examples of possible careers include:

• Assistant Arboricultural Consultant

• Assistant Local Authority Tree Officer

• Arboricultural Contracts Manager

• Tree Surveyor

• Climbing Arborist

Application deadline

29 January

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

£ 14,500per year

Tuition fees shown are for indicative purposes and may vary. Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

Entry requirements

University information

University Centre Myerscough

  • Campus address

    Myerscough College, St Michael's Road, Bilsborrow, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 0RY, England

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