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BA (Hons) International Contemporary Dance Practices

London Contemporary Dance School, The Place

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Course options

  • Qualification

    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - BA (Hons)

  • Location

    London Contemporary Dance School, The Place

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    3 Years

Course summary

Transcend boundaries in dance performance, practice and creation.

For the first time, two leading international dance institutions are collaborating on a transnational Dance BA (Hons) with the first year of studies set at the London Contemporary Dance School at The Place, and the second and third years at LASALLE College of the Arts in Singapore.

For students based in Southeast Asia, this is an opportunity to experience Londons cosmopolitan energy as a major European metropolis for a year, whilst predominantly remaining based closer to home and for students from further afield, this is a unique chance to submerge yourself, living and learning in two extraordinary cultures and cities.

Why Apply

Cross-continental delivery: Due to its location in the vibrant cultural hubs of London and Singapore, you will be exposed to a wide range of techniques, practices, cultures and traditions, developing you as an independent and experimental portfolio dance artist ready for an international career.

Global citizenry: By engaging in multiple creative projects and collaborations with international artists and peers across different art forms, cultures and contexts, you will discover how to be culturally situated and relevant with your art.

Focus on personal artistry: The close mentoring by artist-lecturers on the many student-led research and creative projects, collaborations and performances in varied performance contexts will enable you to discover and develop your personal artistic voice.

Programme Details

Ignited by the vibrant multicultural blend of two global dance destinations, Singapore and London, this programme is designed to sculpt you into an inventive and adaptable dance artist/performer and independent creator, primed to make your mark in the ever-evolving global dance arena.

The first year of study will be delivered at London Contemporary Dance School in the heart of London, where we celebrate the tapestry of global dance, exploring a breadth of dance traditions from the African diaspora to Euro-American styles. Coupled with an introduction to anatomy, music, and choreographic skills, you will dive into London's rich cultural scene through immersive workshops, inspiring guest lectures, and live studio performances.

Your journey continues at Singapore's LASALLE for your final two years, where youll broaden your artistic vista through an exploration of various dance theories and practices, with a special focus on Southeast Asian contemporary dance. In this phase of the programme, you will carve out your own unique artistic voice, fostering your creativity through collaborations across disciplines and diverse media. We will ignite your entrepreneurial spirit, encouraging you to research, design, and bring to life your own projects, fuelling your personal artistic practice within your specific area of interest.

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

£ 21,250per year

Tuition fees shown are for indicative purposes and may vary. Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

University information

London Contemporary Dance School, The Place

  • Campus address

    London Contemporary Dance School, The Place, 17 Duke's Road, London, WC1H 9PY, England

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