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Business and Tourism Management with Foundation Year BA (Hons)

University of Wolverhampton

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Course options

  • Qualification

    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - BA (Hons)

  • Location

    University of Wolverhampton

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    4 Years

Course summary

This course aims to provide the student with knowledge and understanding of the activities required to manage a business, and to ensure that it prospers, in a dynamic global business environment.

Why choose this course?

This course aims to provide the student with knowledge and understanding of the activities required to manage a business, and to ensure that it prospers, in a dynamic global business environment. The course will emphasise the role of business skills in underpinning the success of organisations, while placing this role in the context of the tourism sector. The course will also help the student understand the various types of environment within which a business operates. This will involve investigating issues such as the types of competition that a business will face from their rivals, being aware of the role of stakeholders in the operation of a business and considering how changes in society may impact on the market for a product. The content of the course will be delivered using a wide range of approaches and the student will be encouraged to use e-learning forums to interact with staff and other students.

The foundation year of this course is designed to offer applicants who do not have the required qualifications, a programme which will equip them with a robust toolkit of academic, digital and personal skills required for successful study in higher education. It also provides an understanding of, and insight into, a range of disciplines that underpin their chosen programme of study. In the foundation year students will develop their ability to gain the most out of structured in-class study, and also to manage and evaluate their own independent learning. This wide range of transferable skills is of immense value in both undergraduate study and graduate employment. Upon successful completion of the foundation year, students will have the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of their subject area to degree level.

What skills will you gain?

1.Critically evaluate the application of concepts and principles of business and tourism to a wide range of business organisations and situations.
2.Critically interpret the interaction of business organisations with the changing external environment in which they operate.
3.Critically analyse tourism and business information from a range of national and international sources.
4.Prepare, using digital methods, a comprehensive range of tourism and business information useful to the management of organisations.
5.Effectively communicate business and tourism ideas to a variety of specialist and non-specialist audiences
6.Propose, undertake and present an independent study project that analyses a key issue in the area of business and tourism management.

Potential Career Paths

The course will provide the student with opportunities to advance their ICT skills through the use of application software and digital technologies. The diversity of topic areas covered in the study programme will allow students to develop their own understandings of collective responsibilities as global citizens within their local, national, and international communities.

The course provides an opportunity for the student to pursue a one-year work placement in employment, either in the UK or abroad. Support will provide to aid with the preparation of CVs, and workshops will available that support the completion of application forms and provide guidance on interview techniques.

Students who successfully complete the course are expected to enhance their job prospects and strengthen their employment opportunities.

Application deadline

31 January

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

£ 14,950per year

Tuition fees shown are for indicative purposes and may vary. Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

University information

University of Wolverhampton

  • University League Table


  • Campus address

    University of Wolverhampton, Wulfruna Street, Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton, WV1 1LY, England

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