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Business Data Management - Higher Level Apprenticeship - Foundation Degree - Validated by Open University

Belfast Metropolitan College

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Course options

  • Qualification

    Higher Apprenticeship at Level 5

  • Location

    Titanic Quarter Campus

  • Study mode

    Part time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    2.5 years

Course summary

The Higher-Level apprenticeship in Business Data Management is an exciting programme delivered exclusively by Belfast Met over 2.5 years, designed to equip learners in the business world where there is an emerging reliance on the use of data to drive sound business decisions.

By the end of the Foundation Degree programme, you will be able to:

Identify the main functions and roles within business, and explain their relationship with each other, and with the external business environment
Examine the social, legal, cultural, and ethical impact of business and management decisions on both the organisation and its environment
Explore how organisations are managed and developed to meet future needs of stakeholders in a rapidly changing and global business environment
Understand and utilise data to inform decision making within business
Evaluate and apply appropriate business models and frameworks to business issues and problems, identifying appropriate sources of data and conduct evidence-based business research
Develop and utilise project management skills to promote an agile response to business problems
Develop and apply, academic and business skills including numerical and statistical methods, academic and business writing, communication, and presentation skills
Develop and apply key soft skills including team working, coaching, leadership critical thinking skills, innovation, creativity, and enterprise to issues in a business context
Take ownership of your learning journey through effective time management, managing academic work and other commitments
Apply a self- reflective and active approach to your learning journey at Belfast Met

Early application is recommended due to the extremely high demand for this course.

This course is likely to include additional professional qualifications which are included to enhance your employability.

Apprentices will attend College 1-day per week during the academic year and spend the remainder of training in their place of employment. The structure of the HLA in Business Data Management will have at its core, an integrated approach


A Foundation Degree in Business Data Management will support and enhance your development of employability skills that include:

Problem-solving skills that involve critical thinking and digital technology
Independent Skills that include self-management, adaptability, resilience, prioritising, and planning
Interpersonal skills that include communication, working with others, negotiating and influencing
Commercial Skills that awareness of the business sector, marketing and monitoring budgets
Business Skills that include awareness of legal structures of companies, financial and business management

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

Information not available

Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

University information

Belfast Metropolitan College

  • Campus address

    Belfast Metropolitan College, 7 Queens Road, Belfast, Antrim, BT3 9DT, Northern Ireland

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