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Cardiovascular Science and Diabetes MSc

University of Aberdeen

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Course options

  • Qualification

    MSc - Master of Science

  • Location

    University of Aberdeen

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    12 months

Course summary

Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death globally, accounting for more than 30%, and is set to increase over the next few decades, due to an ageing population and a steep rise in metabolic syndromes. Our MSc programme, taught by scientists and clinicians who are leaders in their field, will equip you with knowledge of the epidemiology, genetics, pathological and molecular mechanisms underpinning cardiovascular disease, its diagnosis, risk factors and pharmacological management.

Our programme will deliver a cutting-edge view of cardiovascular and metabolic science which have been identified as priority areas of the Scottish and UK Governments and funding bodies. This modular-based programme comprises research-led teaching experience including tutorials, workshops and a laboratory research project supervised by leading internationally recognised cardiovascular, diabetes and nutritional scientists.

Why study with us?

  • You will acquire a solid knowledge base in the cardiovascular system and predisposing risk factors such as diabetes and obesity.
  • You will be based within the Institute of Medical Sciences and the Rowett Institute, providing a unique learning experience integrating elements of cardiovascular and metabolic science.
  • You will have access to excellent cardiovascular laboratory facilities and you will undertake a research project tailored to your expertise and interests.
  • The clinical relevance of the programme is strengthened by the location of the teaching, with Aberdeen Royal Infirmary on site, and through input of cardiovascular and diabetes clinicians into the MSc training and research projects.

The combination of internationally recognised cardiovascular laboratory research, input of clinicians to the teaching and the established excellence in nutrition research at the Rowett Institute provides a unique experience for students. You will be equipped with knowledge and skills needed to secure subsequent PhD training in academia, or employment in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, healthcare or educational sectors. Students will study core courses in molecular medicine, genome-enabled medicine and bioinformatics, alongside cardiovascular and metabolic sciences taught in the context of health and disease.

How You'll Study

The teaching on this programme will encompass research-led learning using laboratory practical classes, workshops, clinical demonstrations and tutorials to support the lecture material. Lectures are recorded and can be viewed again when required. The MSc makes the most of hands-on learning to enable repeated exposure to evidence-based practice in cardiovascular and diabetes research using clinical case studies.

Assessment Methods

Taught courses are assessed by a combination of written assignments and reports, oral presentations, and by examination. All students undertake a research project, which is submitted for assessment in the form of a short research thesis. Students also present an oral and poster presentation on their project.


The MSc in Cardiovascular Science and Diabetes will provide you with the academic, analytical and practical skills to equip you for further research or a career in industry, healthcare or beyond. Many of our graduates choose to continue in research careers and begin PhDs or become research scientists (research assistants or technicians). Our scientists have obtained posts in Universities, industry, biotechnology and hospital diagnostic and pathology laboratories.

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

£ 27,000per year

Tuition fees shown are for indicative purposes and may vary. Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

University information

University of Aberdeen

University of Aberdeen

  • University League Table


  • Campus address

    University of Aberdeen, Directorate of External Relations, King's College, Aberdeen, Aberdeen, City Of, AB24 3FX, Scotland

One of the top 40 universities in the UK (Complete University Guide league tables 2025).
Student population has over 130 nationalities and strong international global networks.
Experienced international student advisers with immigration expertise supporting students from application to graduation.

Subject rankings

  • Subject ranking

    19th out of 36 1

  • Entry standards

    / Max 247
    243 98%


  • Graduate prospects

    / Max 100
    99.0 99%


  • Student satisfaction

    / Max 4
    3.22 80%



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