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Cardiovascular Science in Health and Disease MRes

Newcastle University

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Course options

  • Qualification

    MRes - Master of Research

  • Location

    Newcastle University

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    12 months

Course summary


The Cardiovascular Science in Health and Disease MRes is for graduates with a BSc in the life sciences or other science disciplines. It is also open to intercalating and qualified MBBS or BDS students. You can take this as a stand-alone qualification or as an entry route onto a PhD or MD.

You'll develop your own bespoke course with our broad range of taught modules. You'll then begin a 24-week research project in cardiovascular science in health and disease research.

Course content changes to reflect:

developments in the discipline

the requirements of external bodies and partners

student feedback

You may also have opportunities for industry experience.

What you'll learn

You'll study subject-specific content in cardiovascular science in health and disease research. You'll add to these modules from a broad range of complementary options.

Your 24-week research project comprises the major element of the course. You'll receive supervision from an expert academic researcher in cardiovascular science research.

Your future

This MRes can be a pathway for a career in scientific research in academia and industry. It is also excellent preparation for a PhD.


Graduates from the Faculty of Medical Sciences MRes at Newcastle have undertaken a wide range of roles. This includes:

  • project manager
  • research associate
  • associate consultant
  • senior analysts
  • research scientist
  • Marie Curie early stage researcher
  • clinical research associate
  • medical information and patient safety executive
  • medical writer
  • medical doctor
  • research laboratory technician
  • sales representative
  • immunology development manager
  • Tuition fees

    Students living in United States
    (International fees)

    £ 29,500per year

    Tuition fees shown are for indicative purposes and may vary. Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

    University information

    Newcastle University

    • University League Table


    • Campus address

      Newcastle University, King’s Gate, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland, NE1 7RU, England

    Newcastle University is a global leader in ageing and health, data, cities and place, one planet, culture and creative arts.
    Degree programmes are shaped by strong links with national and international businesses with opportunities for professional accreditation and placements.
    Dedicated teams support students during application, before arrival and as they settle into life in the UK.

    Subject rankings

    • Subject ranking

      22nd out of 36 1

    • Entry standards

      / Max 247
      179 73%


    • Graduate prospects

      / Max 100
      99.0 99%


    • Student satisfaction

      / Max 4
      3.06 77%



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