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Chemical Process Engineering MSc

University College London

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Course options

  • Qualification

    MSc - Master of Science

  • Location

    UCL (University College London)

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    1 year

Course summary

Process engineering often involves close collaboration between engineers and scientists from a variety of disciplines. The MSc in Chemical Process Engineering at UCL is specifically designed to facilitate this collaboration and provides graduates from a variety of engineering and science disciplines with the advanced training required to enter the chemical or biochemical industries. Students will develop knowledge of core chemical engineering principles and applications as well as teamworking and communication skills. Moreover, they will learn how to 1) be creative and innovative in solving problems and in designing processes, 2) use appropriate mathematical methods and scientific principles as a tool for solving complex problems, 3) analyse and interpret data and, when necessary, designing experiments to gain new data, and 4) retrieve, analyse and use information from a wide range of sources.


Upon completion, our graduates can expect to play a major role in developing the technologies that make available most of the things that we use in everyday life and provide the expertise and technology to enhance our health and standard of living. These activities may involve the development of new materials, food processing, water treatment, pharmaceuticals, transport and energy resources as well as being at the frontline, addressing present environmental issues such as climate change.


Students gain in-depth knowledge of core chemical engineering subjects and of the advanced use of computers in process design, operation and management. They receive thorough training in hazard identification, quantification and mitigation, as well as in risk management and loss prevention, and also learn how to design advanced energy systems, with emphasis on sustainability, energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources. Students learn how to make decisions under uncertain scenarios and with limited available data and receive training on how to plan, conduct and manage a complex (design or research) project.


The programme offers three routes with different compulsory and optional modules. The routes are 1) Advanced Chemical Engineering Route, 2) Design Route and 3) Research Route. Routes 1 and 2 are accredited by the IChemE.

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

£ 37,500per year

Tuition fees shown are for indicative purposes and may vary. Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

University information

University College London

  • University League Table


  • Campus address

    UCL (University College London), Gower Street, London, Camden, WC1E 6BT, United Kingdom

Subject rankings

  • Subject ranking

    8th out of 34 1

  • Entry standards

    / Max 223
    187 84%


  • Graduate prospects

    / Max 100
    86.0 86%


  • Student satisfaction

    / Max 4
    3.01 75%



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