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Creative Hair and Media Makeup (Fashion and Editorial) (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

University Centre Leeds, Leeds City College

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Course options

  • Qualification

    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - BA (Hons)

  • Location

    Quarry Hill Campus

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    1 Years

Course summary

Study Creative Hair and Media Makeup (Fashion and Editorial) at University Centre Leeds

Welcome to the exciting world of creativity and transformation with our BA Creative Hair and Makeup degree at University Centre, Leeds. Unleash your artistic flair and embark on a journey where your passion for Creative Hair and Media makeup takes centre stage.

We believe in nurturing the next generation of makeup professionals, providing you with the tools and facilities to be the best backstage. With a clear vision of your goals, you'll develop core professional skills while crafting your own unique identity within the makeup industry. Our program encourages you to choose a personal specialisation, allowing you to hone your craft and prepare for the dynamic and fast-paced world of media makeup. But that's not all – we go beyond traditional education to ensure our students have a competitive edge in the industry. We are proud members of Film Buddy UK, offering bespoke employability services tailored to our students. Throughout your studies, you'll enjoy free registration with Film Buddy UK, granting you access to live Q&A sessions with leading specialists, mentoring support, and exclusive work experience opportunities relating to the fashion industry. Dive into FB-1, an online catalogue of interviews and podcasts featuring insights from industry experts.

We are proud to link with makeup brands and artists who offer exclusive access to boot camps, masterclasses, and special events such as store visits and masterclasses, industry workshops, and opportunities to gain valuable feedback on your work.

Elevate your creative potential and join a community of passionate individuals at University Centre Leeds. Embrace the challenges, unlock your artistic prowess, and set the stage for a successful career in the creative hair and makeup industry.

Job opportunities may include:

  • Freelance Hair and Makeup Artist
  • Retail Manager
  • Specialist roles within Fashion and Photography

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

Information not available

Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

University information

University Centre Leeds, Leeds City College

  • Campus address

    Leeds City College, University Centre Leeds, Park Lane, Leeds, Leeds, LS3 1AA, England

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