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Criminology with Psychology BA (Hons)

University of Winchester

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Course options

  • Qualification

    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - BA (Hons)

  • Location

    Main Site

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    3 Years

Course summary

- Become proficient at using both psychological and criminological approaches to solve complex problems in real casework on cold cases and case reviews- Consider in-depth many aspects of criminology, including miscarriages of justice and investigating serious crimes- Learn from a teaching team with wide ranging practitioner experience offering genuine insight into the criminal justice system- Benefit from interactive and practical teaching approaches that bring theory and practice to life- Opportunities for field trips to places such as Belfast and TurinCriminology has never been concerned solely with crime. Criminologists have always wanted to define the nature of crime and understand the criminal mind. Although you learn a lot about both criminology and psychology on our joint honours programme, the unique value of its interdisciplinary approach is that it provides deeper insights into criminal behaviour.Our hugely rewarding and highly useful Criminology with Psychology programme explores a wide range of criminal justice and penological concepts and issues faced by contemporary society.The programme has been designed to include the methodological, academic and practical skills essential to enhance your professional development and career opportunities. As such, you engage with crime related professionals, agencies and organisations to develop your understanding of how they work and apply newly-learnt theories.In Year 1, you gain an awareness of the key principles and concepts underpinning the study of crime. You also study modules on Crime Through Time, Police and Police Work, Victimology and Foundations in Psychology.In Year 2, you develop your understanding of contemporary criminological theory and study modules on Penology, and Society and the Individual. Optional modules may include Comparative Criminal Justice, Writings on Crime, Morality and Deviance, and Violent Crime. You also develop your ability to approach research in criminology.In Year 3, you broaden your knowledge of topics in the field and put into practice your independent research skills by specialising in a topic of your own choice for your final year project. You can choose from a wide range of special interests from both fields, including Forensic Criminology, Crime and Humanity, Media Psychology and Eyewitness Psychology.During the course you also acquire skills of gathering data using quantitative and qualitative methods, synthesising and interpreting evidence and assembling arguments, presenting evidence and formulating findings and conclusions.You have the opportunity, too, to become a member of The British Society of Criminology, which has been in existence for 50 years, and is the society for criminologists, both academic and professional, within the United Kingdom.Graduates are equipped for a wide range of criminal justice careers including the police service, youth and probation work, and the prison service. The Home Office, HM Revenue and Customs and other relevant support roles in crime-related work are also potential employment routes.Roles such as psychological wellbeing practitioner and assistant psychologist are open to graduates and are an excellent way to gain experience before taking the next step towards a career as a psychologist.

Application deadline

29 January

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

Information not available

Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

Entry requirements

Choose a qualification

UCAS Points : 104 - 120


University information

University of Winchester

  • University League Table


  • Campus address

    University of Winchester, Sparkford Road, Winchester, Hampshire, SO22 4NR, England

Subject rankings

  • Subject ranking

    64th out of 118 9

    64th out of 101 1

  • Entry standards

    / Max 213
    126 59%


  • Graduate prospects

    / Max 100
    69.0 69%


  • Student satisfaction

    / Max 4
    3.01 75%


  • Entry standards

    / Max 206
    118 57%


  • Graduate prospects

    / Max 100
    61.0 61%


  • Student satisfaction

    / Max 4
    2.88 72%



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