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Culinary Arts Management with Professional Placement FdA

University College Birmingham

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Course options

  • Qualification

    Foundation Degree in Arts - FdA

  • Location

    University College Birmingham

  • Study mode

    Sandwich / Placement

  • Start date


  • Duration

    3 Years

Course summary

This course is accredited by the University of Warwick


If you want a qualification that will really open doors in the food industry, our Culinary Arts Management foundation degree course is the perfect choice for you. From Michelin-starred restaurant owner Brad Carter to Raymond Blanc Cookery School senior tutor Rebecca Boast and a string of stars on the BBC’s MasterChef TV series, University College Birmingham students have enjoyed stellar careers after graduating from this course – and you can follow in their footsteps.

Whether you want to be executive head chef at a 5-star hotel, manage a high-profile restaurant kitchen or create new products as a development chef, our flagship culinary course will give you the skills, knowledge and experience you need. From our incredible professional training kitchens and our award-winning Restaurant at Birmingham College of Food to our cutting-edge Food Science and Innovation Suite and our expert chef lecturers, there is no place better for you to perfect your culinary skills.As a key part of the course, you will complete a one-year work placement with extensive opportunities available in the UK and overseas. You will also have the chance to gain additional awards such as food hygiene certification, while we have a vast quantity of industry contacts to provide you with opportunities for further work experience, expert masterclasses and culinary competitions.



Work placement

– Boost your employment prospects through a paid one-year placement in the culinary arts industry, with opportunities around the world-

Practical application

– Take on opportunities such as working at Michelin-starred restaurants (e.g. Simpsons, Carters of Moseley), supporting product development with major firms like Mars or working in our outstanding campus restaurant-


– Prove your abilities in a range of industry competitions – you could follow in the footsteps of our past winners at Nestlé Professional Toque d’Or (five-time winners), Zest Quest Asia (two-time champions), BCF Young Chef of the Year and many more-


– Enjoy a variety of visits and masterclasses by celebrated chefs and food industry experts


University College Birmingham is renowned for its outstanding food industry training facilities. As a student on our Culinary Arts Management course, you will have access to our professional standard kitchens which are used regularly for prestigious competitions, as well as our Food Science and Innovation Suite which features the latest food testing and diagnostic technology, state-of-the-art development kitchen facilities and a bespoke sensory evaluation room.In addition, we have an AA Rosette Highly Commended restaurant on campus – Restaurant at Birmingham College of Food – which is open to the public and will arm you with hands-on skills, from serving fast food to silver service.


Our course features a one-year paid placement during your second year, during which you will not incur any tuition fees. Opportunities are available in the UK or overseas.Employers we have worked with include White Barn Inn and Spa (Maine, USA), The Savoy (London), Gleneagles (Scotland), Celtic Manor (Wales), The Landmark (London) and Ashford Castle (County Mayo, Ireland).

Application deadline

29 January

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

£ 13,500per year

Tuition fees shown are for indicative purposes and may vary. Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

Entry requirements

Choose a qualification

A level : DD - CD

UCB will accept A Level in General Studies for this course and will also take into consideration applicants who are studying an extended project.


University information

University College Birmingham

  • Campus address

    University College Birmingham, Summer Row, Birmingham, Birmingham, B3 1JB, England

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