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Cyber Security & Digital Forensics MEng

Leeds Beckett University

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Course options

  • Qualification

    Master of Engineering - MEng

  • Location

    Headingley Campus

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    4 Years

Course summary

Develop in-demand forensic and security skills and graduate with a master’s. You’ll learn to analyse devices and protect businesses from illegal attacks.

Develop the skills to perform digital forensic analysis on devices and implement cyber security mechanisms into any business. As part of this course, you’ll: - Complete an extra year of specialist study to achieve a masters qualification- Combine expertise in two fields of national importance - Analyse digital devices, such as hard drives, in computer forensics modules to identify and investigate their contents - Learn to use your knowledge of computer systems and networks to protect businesses and users from malicious attacks in computer security modules- Learn practical investigative and 'hacking' techniques- Learn through practical applications on our bespoke Hacktivity system that replicates real-world business systems and potential attacks


This course is accredited by the British Computer Society

Find out more

Enhance your expertise

Your fourth year of study will enable you to develop expertise in the more challenging areas of digital forensics such as image and video forensic investigations. In security areas, you’ll study in-depth software security exploitation development and the analysis and implementation of security mechanisms to defend and analyse systems. Your final year will also develop your knowledge in research practices through a research or practical dissertation project.

Access to specialist software

You’ll gain expertise in the use of digital forensic techniques and analysis through tools used in industry such as Encase and Cellebrite, and open-source variants such as Autopsy and FTK Imager. If you join the university’s Ethical Hacking Society, you’ll explore the very latest developments in digital security and attend talks from industry experts to enhance your learning.

Network with professionals

You’ll gain experience of preparing and presenting work for use by courts of law and industry customers. Attending conferences will give you the opportunity to network with professionals and enhance your career prospects. You may have the option to work with local employers as clients for your dissertation project.

Cybercrime and Security Innovation Centre

As part of our Cybercrime and Security Innovation Centre, teaching staff on your course work with West Yorkshire Police to develop new ways of fighting cybercrime. This partnership will give you access to cutting-edge research and industry contacts, and an invaluable insight into the real-world applications of computer security.


We work with organisations to find placement opportunities for you. Our links with the security industry, forensics industry and law contacts provide you with opportunities to enhance your learning.

Study choices

You could choose to study our three-year BSc (Hons) Cyber Security & Digital Forensics and complete the same modules as the first three years of this master’s-level course. Alternatively, if you’d like to focus your study solely on cyber security, we offer the BSc (Hons) Cyber Security.

Why study the MEng Cyber Security & Digital Forensics course at Leeds Beckett University?

Application deadline

29 January

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

Information not available

Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

Entry requirements

Choose a qualification


UCAS Points : 128

A minimum of 80 from two A Levels or equivalent, excluding General Studies.


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University information

Leeds Beckett University

Leeds Beckett University

  • University League Table


  • Campus address

    Leeds Beckett University, City Campus, Leeds, Leeds, LS1 3HE, England

Leeds Beckett is a global university, with an alumni community based in 174 countries around the world.
LBU degrees are available to study in-country in Botswana, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Mauritius, Nepal, Singapore and Vietnam.
International students can apply for scholarships and receive in-country application support in China, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Qatar, and Vietnam.

Subject rankings

  • Subject ranking

    72nd out of 117 7

  • Entry standards

    / Max 227
    124 54%


  • Graduate prospects

    / Max 100
    77.0 77%


  • Student satisfaction

    / Max 4
    2.99 75%



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