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Dance and Education BA (Hons)

Nottingham College

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Course options

  • Qualification

    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - BA (Hons)

  • Location

    City Hub

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    3 Years

Course summary

This 3 year BA (Honours) degree is designed to develop your dance skills in preparation for working in industry. Two main focus points aim to provide a solid grounding in the practical and intellectual skills necessary for a successful career in performance or teaching.

Led by a team of inspiring staff with extensive experience working in industry and higher education, you'll embark on a creative journey that aims to provide the tools necessary to excel in your chosen field.

This award is validated by The Open University.

About the course

This is a dance training degree, predominantly taught through practical exploration and rehearsal, underpinned by research, practitioner study and critical reflection. Training focuses on building strength and confidence in a broad range of dance styles as well as enabling you to creatively build skills through composition and improvisation techniques. These attributes build confidence and deepen understanding of teaching dance to a range of clients within community or educational settings. You'll have the opportunity to create your own original work, exploring areas of specific and personal interest and finding your own creative voice or teaching style. We work in partnership with Dance4, Lakeside Arts and a variety of local educational settings. We collaborate with other creative students across college and have our own graduate Dance Company to support placement opportunities and progression.

Year 1 (Level 4) modules:

-Performance skills-Dance practice, history and context -Creative dance practice-Facilitating dance

Year 2 (Level 5) modules:

-Developing dance technique-Choreography, production and performance-Dance education within the community-Independent performance

Year 3 (Level 6) modules:

-Embodied practice -Dance in an educational setting. -Ensemble performance. -Major independent project

Specialist Facilities

Performing Arts is based at our new £58 million City Hub campus in the city centre’s Canalside quarter with state of the art facilities. These include specially-designed rehearsal studios for acting and dance, as well as a 160 seat versatile theatre space with fully-functional wardrobe and workshop facilities and industry-standard lighting and sound. Students also use our brand-new digital TV centre, recording studio and multi-media suites.


A combination of traditional and innovative methods are used: including case studies, group projects, live briefs, peer review, research projects, placement opportunities, critical reflection and presentations. All assessments will focus on one, or a combination of exploration, preparation, rehearsal, performance and written response, there are no written examinations.

Qualification awarded:

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Dance and Education - awarded by The Open University.


We want our courses to be accessible to students from any background, so we’ve put together a cash support package of non-repayable bursaries to provide financial help where it’s needed. Details for 2025-26 will be advertised once approved by the university regulator – the Office for Students (OfS). Please check our website for more information.

Your career and progression

Application deadline

29 January

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

Information not available

Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

Entry requirements

Choose a qualification


UCAS Points : 48


University information

Nottingham College

  • Campus address

    New College Nottingham, City Campus, The Adams Building, Stoney Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 1NG, England

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