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Dental, Health and Care Professions PhDs and MPhils

University of Portsmouth

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Course options

  • Qualification

    PhD/DPhil - Doctor of Philosophy

  • Location

    University of Portsmouth

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    3 years

Course summary


If you're looking to take your skills into postgraduate research, our research degree programmes can help you achieve your ambitions.
Our research supervisors come from practical and theoretical backgrounds and are well positioned to support you in various research programmes.

We encourage qualitative and practice-led research, using research skills such as historical research, semiotic analysis, user research, action research, iterative process and reflective practice.

Support and facilities

When you join us, you'll be supported by our Graduate School, alongside your assigned supervisory team, who'll help you get the most from our facilities. The Graduate School will help you become part of our thriving, collaborative research community, and help grow your skills as a researcher through the Graduate School Development Programme, which offers training, workshops and events.

You'll access facilities for practical and creative development in a wide range of production methods. You can use study areas for creative practice and academic study, dedicated computer suites with the latest software and digital printing, a printmaking workshop, photographic facilities, digital fabric printing and laser cutting.

What can a postgraduate research degree do for my career?

Once you complete your postgraduate research degree, you'll be a highly-skilled researcher with the knowledge and skills to make an impact in many different industries.

Your postgraduate research qualification demonstrates to potential employers that you're an intelligent, capable and motivated person, with provable abilities and experience in critical thinking, problem-solving, project management, communication, leadership and creativity.

After researching with us, our successful postgraduate research candidates have gone on to impressive positions in academia and the private sector.

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

£ 19,200per year

Tuition fees shown are for indicative purposes and may vary. Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

University information

University of Portsmouth

University of Portsmouth

  • University League Table


  • Campus address

    University of Portsmouth, University House, Winston Churchill Avenue, Portsmouth, Portsmouth, PO1 2UP, England

Over 5,700 of the university's 24,000 students come from 150 countries around the world.
The University of Portsmouth Global team is dedicated to supporting international students from enquiry, through application and arrival, to graduation.
Brand new sports facilities at the Ravelin sports centre, including an 8-lane swimming pool, 175-station gym, climbing wall and ski simulator.

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