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Digital Marketing (Degree Apprenticeship) BA (Hons)

University of Portsmouth

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Course options

  • Qualification

    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - BA (Hons)

  • Location

    Main Site

  • Study mode

    Part time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    42 Months

Course summary


With technology reshaping marketing every day, digital marketing skills are in demand across industries — and need constant development to keep up with the sector. This course builds your digital marketing knowledge as you work for an employer, and prepares you to continue developing your skills after you graduate. You'll explore topics like marketing analytics, search marketing, user experience, marketing communications, digital content creation, and more, all of which you can apply immediately in your workplace. As a degree apprentice you'll be working for a company as you study, so you'll graduate with years of workplace experience in addition to your degree qualification. And with assessments that focus on applying your knowledge with real-life case studies and live-client projects, this degree gives you the skills and experience you'll need to progress your career and prepare for your future in the industry. When you study a degree apprenticeship, you make an agreement with the University and your employer. You employer pays your tuition fees so there is no fee cost to you as the apprentice, and you agree to spend at least 20% of your time at your job studying. You'll study mostly through online learning, with both pre-recorded and live sessions so your studying is flexible to suit you, and attend campus for three days per year in either Portsmouth or London depending on where you work. You'll attend one day at the start of each study block in September, January and April.


The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), the world’s leading professional body for marketing, has approved BA (Hons) Digital Marketing (DA) at University of Portsmouth for exemptions on CIM qualifications.The University of Portsmouth has developed strong links with CIM and our teaching content has been developed alongside CIM’s learning outcomes to ensure that course content is aligned to industry requirements.The University of Portsmouth has earned business accreditation from the AACSB in recognition of the outstanding quality of its business and management education. Less than six percent of the world's schools offering business degree programs hold AACSB business accreditation.This course is accredited by The Institute of Data and Marketing (IDM). The IDM has over 30 years of experience helping marketers reach the next level in their careers by offering a portfolio of qualifications and training courses, all informed by industry and underpinned by core principles and best practice. Students taking an IDM-accredited course are eligible to sit a 2-hour online assessment to achieve the IDM Certificate in Digital and Data-Driven Marketing.

Careers and opportunities

This BA (Hons) Digital Marketing Degree Apprenticeship prepares you for a range of careers across digital marketing, whichever sector you work in. You'll build skills to help you progress your career and benefit your current employer. By applying the knowledge you gain during your studies to your workplace, you'll boost your future employability and skills as you prepare to progress your career — whether you choose to continue with your current employer after you graduate or apply for roles across the industry. Digital marketing graduates could continue to roles such as: - campaign assistant- marketing assistant- paid social senior account executive- content creator- SEO analytics officer- social media executiveBy studying an accredited degree, you'll be eligible to apply for professional registration at associate grade for the Chartered Institute of Marketing, Institute of Direct & Digital Marketing, and BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, when you graduate. The Chartered Institute for IT will recognise this apprenticeship for entry onto the register of IT tech

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

Information not available

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University information

University of Portsmouth

University of Portsmouth

  • University League Table


  • Campus address

    University of Portsmouth, University House, Winston Churchill Avenue, Portsmouth, Portsmouth, PO1 2UP, England

Over 5,700 of the university's 24,000 students come from 150 countries around the world.
The University of Portsmouth Global team is dedicated to supporting international students from enquiry, through application and arrival, to graduation.
Brand new sports facilities at the Ravelin sports centre, including an 8-lane swimming pool, 175-station gym, climbing wall and ski simulator.

Subject rankings

  • Subject ranking

    43rd out of 87 11

  • Entry standards

    / Max 204
    125 61%


  • Graduate prospects

    / Max 100
    83.0 83%


  • Student satisfaction

    / Max 4
    3.00 75%



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