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Course options

  • Qualification

    Foundation Degree in Arts - FdA

  • Location

    Main Site

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    2 Years

Course summary

This two-year Foundation degree is designed for people working or volunteering in educational settings who want to explore their potential. You’ll learn through flexible study, attending University 22 days a year and working (or volunteering) for at least 10 hours per week in an educational setting. On-line material supports your independent study time.This foundation degree is focused on those significant early years of childhood and will help you to understand the theories underpinning practice. You’ll develop a theoretical understanding of how children develop and learn, using your experience as a starting point. You’ll gain insights which will help you to have a more positive impact on the children and families you work with.You’ll explore how government policy impacts on the lived experience of children and families, as well as practice in early years settings. You will be encouraged to become more aware of the values which motivate you, and to consider how we can best prepare children for their future in a complex and unpredictable world. From start to finish, you’ll be challenged and inspired in equal measure.

Why this course at Marjon?

• Study at a university which excels in helping you to fulfil your potential and particularly welcomes mature students.
• Designed for working people, with a close-knit support group of fellow students.
• Two-day induction so you can get to know other students and get ready for study.
• Expand your professional network and advance your career.

What might I become?

You may view this as a stepping-stone to becoming a fully qualified teacher; many students progress into the final year of an honours degree and then into postgraduate teaching programmes such as School Direct, PGCE or Early Years Initial Teacher Training. These degrees on their own also offer great scope for career development, with students progressing into leadership and management roles within current settings, or taking on specific highly skilled roles such as SENCO. Early years settings are known to benefit greatly from having staff who have studied at this level.

Find out more at Open Day

Open Day is your opportunity to find out more about studying Early Years at Marjon. You’ll meet lecturers and find out why we are ranked second in the UK for teaching quality. Our student life talks will help you prepare to go to university, covering topics such as careers, funding, sport and our award winning on-campus student support service. You can also take a tour of the campus with a current student and find out about the student-led clubs and societies.

Book on to an Open Day at:

Why study at Marjon?

• Small, person-focused university
• No.2 university in England for Student Satisfaction (Complete University Guide 2024)
• No.4 university in the UK for Career Prospects (WhatUni Student Choice Awards 2023)
• No.4 uni in England for Education (Student Experience) (The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2023)

Application deadline

29 January

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

Information not available

Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

Entry requirements

University information

Plymouth Marjon University

  • University League Table


  • Campus address

    Plymouth Marjon University, Derriford Road, Plymouth, Devon, PL6 8BH, United Kingdom

Subject rankings

  • Subject ranking

    61st out of 91 2

  • Entry standards

    / Max 224
    122 55%


  • Graduate prospects

    / Max 100
    79.0 79%


  • Student satisfaction

    / Max 4
    3.36 84%



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