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Course options

  • Qualification

    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - BA (Hons)

  • Location

    Preston Campus

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    3 Years

Course summary

About the course

The course is delivered at University Centre Myerscough and awarded by the University of Central Lancashire. Our Bachelor of Art (BA Honours) ensures that you develop skills and knowledge of the fundamental areas of equine management and equestrianism, whilst offering optional and elective modules to personalise your chosen route of study. You will be prepared to enter careers in areas such as research and development, welfare, breeding, nutrition and therapy. This degree allows you to understand and apply new and existing scientific principles to the management and development of the horse.

The defining element of the honours degree is the research project, where you conduct independent research on a chosen subject. Our equine undergraduate research students produce outstandingly high quality research, with many able to present their research on a national or international platform.

Based at our Preston campus with its renowned International Equine Arena, you will be putting theory into practice working with the college horses within the centre’s excellent facilities. You will benefit from our industry links for trips and guest speakers, and may also have opportunities to benefit from external research collaborations. You may progress to one of our MSc programmes to further enhance your research and specialism.

As a Myerscough equine degree student, you will benefit from individualised support within a welcoming culture, ensuring that you follow in the footsteps of our previous students with their outstanding high achievements and excellent student satisfaction.

Learning Environment:

This course makes the most of the extensive equestrian facilities on site including a wide range of horses, large indoor and outdoor arenas and up-to-date specialist therapy and research equipment. Students will also have access to specialist IT hardware and software. Learning activities on the course are diverse, including lectures, seminars, tutorials and workshops. Students will be expected to undertake extensive independent study and research to support lectures, seminars and assessments. Group work and group presentations will form an important part of the course.


Students will face a variety of assessments including examinations, essays, technical reports, group and individual presentations, individual study projects, case studies and practical assessments.


On successful completion of the course, students may apply for postgraduate study including MA and MBA qualifications.


The course prepares students for management level careers in many areas of the equine industry. These include:

  • Professional Yard Manager
  • Performance Analyst
  • Equine Events Manager
  • Independent Business Owner
  • Consultant
  • Sales
  • Equine Trainers
  • Equestrian Coaches (subject to additional British Horse Society qualification, or equivalent)
  • Equine Journalism
  • Marketing
  • Product design

Application deadline

29 January

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

£ 14,500per year

Tuition fees shown are for indicative purposes and may vary. Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

University information

University Centre Myerscough

  • Campus address

    Myerscough College, St Michael's Road, Bilsborrow, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 0RY, England

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