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Course options

  • Qualification

    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - BA (Hons)

  • Location

    City (Adams)

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    3 Years

Course summary

Embark on a journey of creativity and self-expression with our brand new Fashion Degree, where we explore the art of 2D and 3D pattern development, garment construction and design.

This BA (Honours) degree introduces the world of contemporary fashion, including design development, illustration, draping, textile techniques (including knit and print), pattern cutting and manufacturing; moving on to more advanced topics such as zero waste pattern cutting techniques. It also covers contemporary global fashion narratives, such as gender fluidity, diversity & inclusivity, sustainability, ethical practices as well as historical contexts.

This 3-year degree is subject to validation with plans to launch in September 2025.

About the course:

The Fashion degree is based at the Adams Building, a converted Victorian lace factory; uniquely combining Nottingham's rich industrial heritage with up-to-the minute facilities. The department features industry-relevant digital technologies, such as Mac suites, 3D design software for pattern and manufacture and Adobe tools. Lecturers bring a wealth of industrial experience; focused on nurturing your creativity. We're committed to helping you develop the mindset and abilities required for a successful career as a professional practitioner. Your studies will be enhanced by our wide industry network through talks by guest speakers, live projects and field trips amongst others. These links help to enhance your portfolio and offer a better insight into the standards expected by future employers. Collaborations with national and international organizations and events provide opportunities to engage in competitions and showcase your work on local and national industry platforms.

Year 1 (Level 4):

You will acquire competencies essential for fashion design, with topics such as: fashion illustration, design techniques, understanding and applying colour, fabric selection and properties, pattern drafting and construction, visual research methodologies, portfolio presentation and 3D CAD work.

Year 2 (Level 5):

This sees ongoing refinement of your design methods and presentation abilities; showcasing your work through live projects, competitions, and industry engagements. Experimenting with pattern cutting and garment construction, you'll blend elements of traditional and contemporary construction techniques while incorporating current gender-neutral and sustainable design principles. You'll delve into the art of creative pattern cutting; an integral part of the design process, bringing your concepts to life.

Year 3 (Level 6):

During your final year, we adopt a holistic approach to your creative development. This sees you creating a substantial body of work, complemented by reflective and analytically-driven writing, all leading to the realization of your graduate collection. Live projects help to bolster your portfolio, preparing for your future career while solidifying your identity as a proficient, accomplished creative.


A wide range of innovative and traditional methods are used, including: practical workshops, discussions, groupwork, lectures, tutorials, project work, portfolios, essays, presentations, design journals/sketchbooks and visual assignments (such as photoshoots and catwalk events).

Careers and progression:

Application deadline

29 January

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

Information not available

Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

Entry requirements

Choose a qualification

A level :

A minimum of 48 UCAS tariff points from at least 2 subjects at A2.


University information

Nottingham College

  • Campus address

    New College Nottingham, City Campus, The Adams Building, Stoney Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 1NG, England

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