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Film, Television and Digital Production (Professional Placement Year) BA (Hons)

Bath Spa University

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Course options

  • Qualification

    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - BA (Hons)

  • Location

    Main Site

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    4 Years

Course summary

This is the 4-year course which includes a Professional Placement Year.A practice based course which helps you develop your craft of storytelling, studio production and film making- Excellent film and TV facilities.- Taught by staff with industry experience.- Opportunity for cross community collaboration with other students, for example scriptwriting and drama students.Supported by Pinewood Studios Group, this hands-on course in film, television and digital production will give you the skills that successful film and television professionals need.You’ll learn how to design and create film and television content and formats. We’ll immerse you in film and TV practice and theory, teaching you how to apply a variety of crafts and digital technologies.In the first two years, you’ll gain grounding in the core elements relating to film and television production. In your final year, you’ll have the opportunity to specialise, developing an individualised programme of work tailored to your interests.You’ll develop practical and creative projects highlighting your technical and craft skills. Alongside this you’ll demonstrate critical and theoretical understanding. Throughout the course, you’ll have opportunities to work on group and individual projects, developing your skills and creative ideas.You’ll develop skills for working life, such as decision making in complex and unpredictable contexts, working in groups, analysing data, and making use of technical and creative resources.You’ll become a socially engaged global citizen, with intercultural and global understandings and perspectives, and an awareness of innovation and social entrepreneurship.

More about the Professional Placement Year

A Professional Placement Year (PPY), traditionally known as a sandwich year, is where you undertake a period of work with an external organisation for between 9-13 months. The placement occurs between your second and final years of undergraduate study. You can engage in multiple placements to make up the total time and are required to source the placement(s) yourself, with support from the Careers team. The PPY Bursary can make work experience more accessible, with students undertaking a PPY able to receive between £500 and £1,500 to be used towards placement costs such as travel, food, workwear or accommodation.

Application deadline

29 January

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

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University information

Bath Spa University

  • University League Table


  • Campus address

    Bath Spa University, Newton Park, Newton St Loe, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 9BN, England

Experience a new culture in the vibrant and beautiful World Heritage city of Bath, also rated as one of the safest student cities (Complete University Guide).
Join the International Student's Network to meet students from across the globe and share different customs, values and experiences that are important to you.
English language and English for academic purposes (EAP) support is available for all international students whose first language is not English.

Subject rankings

  • Subject ranking

    66th out of 95 1

  • Entry standards

    / Max 198
    130 66%


  • Graduate prospects

    / Max 100
    47.0 47%


  • Student satisfaction

    / Max 4
    3.24 81%


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