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Fine Art Foundation Degree

Hull College

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Course options

  • Qualification

    Foundation Degree - FD

  • Location

    Hull School of Art and Design

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    2 Years

Course summary

The FD Fine Art is suitable for those interested in developing their practice as an artist whilst developing skills as a curator. The programme aims to widen the undergraduates field of industry employment skills as well as introduce them to a multitude of approaches to art practice, helping to develop your existing skills. Through independent practice and taught workshops in generous studio spaces, you will be guided in the development of your technical skills as well as gaining philosophical and academic understandings of the subject, to be used in your own expression and guide you through the curation of individual’s portfolio as well as external bodies of work.The staff team are experienced practitioners or researchers in the field, who work closely with you to develop studio skills, hone your critical eye, and increase contextual awareness. You will explore models of practice in contemporary art, from studio and gallery-based work to site-responsive and client-led projects, using a variety of disciplines and media whilst working towards your specialism. Skills for securing funding streams, client projects and commission work will also ready students for working directly or freelance as practising artists and/or curators.

Application deadline

29 January

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

Information not available

Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

Entry requirements

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UCAS Points : 64

Although we use UCAS points as a guide for students coming straight from school or college, entry to all our programmes is by interview (and portfolio/audition for programmes in the Faculty of Arts), together with evidence of academic achievement and/or relevant professional attainment. So please contact us to discuss your individual situation as we actively welcome students from a wide range of educational backgrounds. For us, what you've achieved in the past isn't nearly as important as what we believe you can achieve


University information

Hull College

  • Campus address

    Hull College, Queen's Gardens, Wilberforce Drive, Hull, Kingston Upon Hull, HU1 3DG, England

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