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Course options

  • Qualification

    MSc - Master of Science

  • Location

    University of Glasgow

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    1 year

Course summary

In this century, food security and the need to develop sustainable agriculture will become dominant issues affecting the whole world. The global population is projected to increase dramatically from 7 to 9 billion in the next 30 years, causing an unprecedented demand for food and increased pressure on land. The aim of this Food Security Degree is to provide you with knowledge and skills relating to the broad topic of food security, incorporating socio-economic, animal and crop aspects.


Taught through collaboration between academics with world class expertise in diverse aspects of food security.

Discusses the demographic, social and economic issues, the challenges of achieving sustainable agriculture and presents the factors affecting food production from crops and animal sources.

Accredited by the Royal Society of Biology for the purpose of meeting, in part, the academic and experience requirement for the Membership and Chartered Biologist (CBiol).

Experience guest lectures on a range of topics and site visits.

Acquire knowledge of technology transfer and commercialisation.

Gain practical laboratory skills in molecular biology and in genetic modification.

Undertake a project that will develop your investigative skills

Learn the ability to critically appraise and integrate information from different sources.


Food security is a major challenge of this century, hence there will be opportunities to develop careers in several areas.

Career prospects include:

Bioscience laboratories, Distillery and farm work, Environmental tracing research, Government advisory, International advisory, Media, Research institutes, Research positions, Working in Agri-industry, others have progressed on to research degrees in plant science and related fields

The breadth of knowledge, understanding and skills you will acquire in this Masters programme will help you obtain employment or undertake research in the food security sector.

Application deadline

16 August 2024

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

£ 30,240per year

Tuition fees shown are for indicative purposes and may vary. Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

University information

University image

University of Glasgow

  • University League Table


  • Campus address

    University of Glasgow, The Fraser Building, 65 Hillhead Street, Glasgow, Glasgow, City Of, G12 8QQ, Scotland

A wide range of international scholarships are available including International Excellence scholarships and postgraduate awards.
Meet students from across the university with over 250 clubs and societies available – ranging from international student societies to the Baking Society.
Pre-sessional English language provision available prior to starting university, and English language support options throughout the duration of study.

Subject rankings

  • Subject ranking

    1st out of 35

  • Entry standards

    / Max 208
    208 100%


  • Graduate prospects

    / Max 100

  • Student satisfaction

    / Max 4
    3.24 81%



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