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Foundation Science Degree in Hospitality & Tourism Management specialising in Travel and Tourism (Validated - Ulster University)

Belfast Metropolitan College

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Course options

  • Qualification

    Foundation Degree

  • Location

    Titanic Quarter Campus

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    2 years

Course summary

The Travel and Tourism Industry offers opportunities both locally and internationally. The Travel and Tourism product in Northern Ireland has, in recent years, seen a growth in many areas such as Screen Tourism and World class events. Employment opportunities could arise in Tour Operators, Airports, Travel Agencies, Tourist Information Centres, Holiday Representatives and Tourist Attractions such as Titanic Belfast as well as diversifying into careers in Marketing, Events or Hospitality or Tourism related Events. Overall, a course in Travel and Tourism Management offers vocational and academic training to develop your knowledge and understanding of the industry, develop skills in Business, Management, study, personal development, and communication to help you enhance your career prospects.

Students will have the opportunity to participate in fully funded and self-funded international trips along with the option of applying for the Study USA programme (all subject to approval). Students also undertake local sight visits to attractions and events to enliven their learning experience.

There is also a compulsory work-based learning period in the final semester of year two which can be either local or international. Previously, students have been placed, for example, in Miami, South Africa, Mauritius, Norway, Belgium and Amsterdam as well as locally in Tourism organisations and attractions, Travel Agencies, Events companies, Hospitality organisations and the Air and Sea Ports. Assessment is by a combination of assignments, examinations and a project completed during the work placement.

How will I be assessed?

Assessment is by a combination of assignments, examinations and a project completed during the work placement.

Career Prospects

Progression can lead to many different job opportunities, or you may wish to avail of the opportunity to continue your study by joining the BSc Hons Degree in International Travel and Tourism Management at Ulster University or other relevant courses.

Successful graduates have a choice of progression opportunities subject to their results. Students can join the final year of the BSc Hons Degree in International Travel & Tourism Management at Ulster University (upon successful completion of summer bridging modules) or to other relevant universities’ courses. Alternatively, the course has been designed, through consultation with the industry advisory board, and therefore students may seek to gain employment.

Students also have the opportunity to go forward for the prestigious Northern Ireland Travel News Student of the Year Award.

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

£ 7,585per year

Tuition fees shown are for indicative purposes and may vary. Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

Entry requirements

Choose a qualification

UCAS Points : 64

64 UCAS points to include a minimum of two A2 level passes (Grade A-E) or equivalent. Minimum of a Grade C/4 in both GCSE English Language and Maths (or equivalent).


University information

Belfast Metropolitan College

  • Campus address

    Belfast Metropolitan College, 7 Queens Road, Belfast, Antrim, BT3 9DT, Northern Ireland

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