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History and History of Art BA (Hons)

University of Birmingham

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Course options

  • Qualification

    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - BA (Hons)

  • Location

    Main Site

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    3 Years

Course summary

Our undergraduate BA History and History of Art degree at the University of Birmingham will enable you to investigate past and present cultures - and the process of human creativity itself. You'll explore unfamiliar territory and question some of the myths, preconceptions and prejudices that surround our past.Our degree gives you the opportunity to explore your interests in both History and Art History through a wide range of core and optional modules, from the medieval to the contemporary, and across a range of global contexts. Joint Honours flexibility enables you to develop your own interests in second and final years. Central to your learning will be the study of original artworks, texts and archives. You will have access to unparalleled resources in our Special Collections of rare books and over 2 million manuscripts and archive items, and in our outstanding campus art collections.Study trips play an important part in your degree and include visits to galleries and museums in the UK and abroad. You will participate in a week-long, University-funded trip to a major European centre of artistic and historic importance, where you have the opportunity to examine works of art and architecture in situ. Previous study trips have been to Rome, Prague, Berlin and Paris and are led by staff with specific research interests in the city.

Why study this course?

Two complementary areas of study

- gain key transferable skills including textual and visual analysis. Our modules explore how the past informs the present and provides a global historical understanding from the Middle Ages to the present. You will also learn how to analyse artworks from a range of perspectives including social history, feminist, queer and decolonial methodologies.

Direct insight to first-hand research

- Your learning will be directly informed by our research; 95% of our Department’s staff research is ‘world-leading’ and ‘internationally excellent’ (Research Excellence Framework 2021).

Our very own on-campus gallery

- Our Department is based in the Barber Institute of Fine Arts, with an internationally renowned collection of Western art including works by Botticelli, Manet and Kollwitz. Many of your lectures and seminars will take place in the Barber’s teaching spaces and gallery, and you'll get to enjoy the fine art library and regular exhibitions and events.

University-funded trips

- Gallery study trips are organised in the West Midlands and London, while students enjoy a week-long, University-funded trip to a major European city in their second year. Students can also choose to study abroad for one year or one semester during their degree. Our exchange universities include Melbourne University in Australia, Lund University in Sweden and Leiden University in the Netherlands.

A city brimming with culture

- Birmingham is home to internationally leading museums, galleries and cultural events, from Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, which houses the world’s largest collection of Pre-Raphaelite art, to the Ikon with its vibrant programme of contemporary art.

Present day application

- We believe in history as a practical and engaged endeavour that speaks to questions of social inequality, community belonging and even climate change. As a Birmingham student you have opportunities to learn about the uses of history such as through a placement in the heritage sector on our Professional Skills module.

Application deadline

29 January

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

Information not available

Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

Entry requirements

Choose a qualification

A level : ABB

A Level History, Medieval History or Ancient History is preferred but we welcome applications from candidates who can demonstrate an interest in and an aptitude for the study of history and politics. Acceptable subjects include: Ancient History, Anthropology, Archaeology, Business Studies, Classical Civilisation, Drama and Theatre Studies, Economics, English Language, English Language and Literature, English Literature, Environmental Studies, Geography, Government and Politics, History, History of Art, Law, Medieval His


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University information

University of Birmingham

University of Birmingham

  • University League Table


  • Campus address

    University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, Birmingham, Birmingham, B15 2TT, England

The University of Birmingham is a founding member of the elite Russell Group of UK universities.
Based in the second largest city in the UK, Birmingham offers an outstanding international student experience.
The university has a vibrant international student community and is home to over 10,000 international students from approximately 150 countries.

Subject rankings

  • Subject ranking

    13th out of 91 1

    5th out of 21 2

  • Entry standards

    / Max 204
    156 76%


  • Graduate prospects

    / Max 100
    81.0 81%


  • Student satisfaction

    / Max 4
    3.02 75%


  • Entry standards

    / Max 192
    159 83%


  • Graduate prospects

    / Max 100
    78.0 78%


  • Student satisfaction

    / Max 4
    3.43 86%



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