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  • Undergraduate courses
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Course options

  • Qualification

    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - BA (Hons)

  • Location

    Main Site

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    3 Years

Course summary

Course description

We cover past societies, from the late Roman through to the modern period, addressing political, social and cultural themes in history. You'll learn to exercise independent judgement, to be critical of accepted opinion and to present your arguments effectively.

Choice and flexibility are at the heart of our teaching, so you can pursue and develop your own interests. At every level, there is a wide variety of modules to choose from, taught by our world-leading experts.

Our coherent programme is designed to equip you with the analytical and practical skills and methods needed for historical research and a successful future. We keep our seminar groups small, to ensure everyone can get involved.

Research is central to the student experience here in Sheffield. All our teaching is informed by the latest findings, and all our history students have the chance to carry out their own research project as part of their degree.

We help all our students to excel. Everyone is assigned a personal tutor for guidance and support.

Learning and assessment


You'll learn through a mix of interactive lectures and lively discussion-based seminars. Research is central to the student experience here in Sheffield and all our teaching is informed by the latest findings. In your final year, you'll have the opportunity to take our Special Subject module, which allows you to spend a year specialising in a topic that really interests you.

Graduate careers

Department of History

Our history graduates are highly skilled in research, critical reasoning and communication. You'll be able to think and write coherently, to put specific matters in a broader context, and to summarise complex ideas in a discerning and creative way.

Our graduates have gone on to become successful lawyers, marketing executives, civil servants, accountants, management consultants, university lecturers, archivists, librarians and workers in museums, tourism and the heritage industry.

Application deadline

29 January

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

Information not available

Please check with the institution for most up to date details.


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University information

University of Sheffield

  • University League Table


  • Campus address

    University of Sheffield, Western Bank, Sheffield, Sheffield, S10 2TN, England

Pathway programmes are available to help students with English as a second language and different educational backgrounds prepare for their academic career.
With nearly 11,000 international students, Sheffield is a diverse, welcoming city that's celebrated for its safety and strong sense of community and culture.
The university offers a range of scholarships for high-achieving international students who demonstrate excellent academic potential.

Subject rankings

  • Subject ranking

    18th out of 91 2

  • Entry standards

    / Max 204
    154 75%


  • Graduate prospects

    / Max 100
    72.0 72%


  • Student satisfaction

    / Max 4
    3.16 79%



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