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Integrative Counselling - Foundation Degree (Professional) Foundation Degree

Birmingham Newman University

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Course options

  • Qualification

    Foundation Degree - FD

  • Location

    Birmingham Newman University

  • Study mode

    Part time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    3 Years

Course summary

This course provides a foundational counselling qualification. It enables students to engage with several key theoretical approaches in counselling and related skills, and to learn to integrate them in ways that allow them to be effective practitioners, equipped to work in a range of settings. The course provides both professional and academic training, producing reflective practitioners who are equipped to meet the future challenges of the counselling profession. The course is accredited by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and subscribes to the BACP Ethical Framework (2018).

Why study this course?

• The course combines academic study and personal reflection with a strong focus on counselling skills and practice
• The course is accredited by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)
• It offers a distinctive training in integrative counselling, drawing on several core models of counselling to form an integrated framework for practice
• On completion, you can progress to the BA (Hons) ‘Top Up’ award in Counselling Studies, thereby achieving a full Honours degree
• The course has a strong reputation and good relationships with a range of placement providers across the regionDuring your first year of study you will usually attend University for taught sessions on one day per week. You will start on your journey to becoming a trained counsellor. You will do this through a balance of theory, skills practice, personal and group reflection. You will learn about two of the main theoretical models in counselling (person-centred and psychodynamic). You will also begin to practice a range of counselling skills, learn about ethical issues and dilemmas, and take part in a personal development group.In the second year you will begin your counselling placement, once you are assessed as being ready for this step. This placement will continue throughout the rest of the programme. Alongside this, you will also start your personal therapy at least 3 months before starting on placement. Once on placement, you will also have regular clinical supervision. You will continue to attend University one day per week. In terms of taught content, year 2 includes learning about the theories of CBT and Gestalt therapies. You also learn about the counselling relationship, and how to begin to integrate different theories into a coherent model.In the final year you will continue on placement and in supervision, and may also continue in personal therapy. You will continue to attend University one day per week. You will take modules in mental health and in working to different time contracts in counselling, including doing brief therapy. You will also complete a small research project. During this time you will also engage in clinical case discussion, a personal development group, and will continue working towards completion of your clinical hours on placement.

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

Information not available

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University information

Birmingham Newman University

  • University League Table


  • Campus address

    Newman University, Genners Lane, Bartley Green, Birmingham, Birmingham, B32 3NT, England

Subject rankings

  • Subject ranking

    73rd out of 73

  • Entry standards

    / Max 180
    114 64%


  • Graduate prospects

    / Max 100
    56.0 56%


  • Student satisfaction

    / Max 4
    3.20 80%



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