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International Tourism Management BSc (Hons)

Middlesex University

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Course options

  • Qualification

    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - BSc (Hons)

  • Location

    Hendon Campus

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    3 Years

Course summary

Get flexibility to follow your interests

Our international tourism course covers all the essential knowledge to give you a solid foundation from which to pursue your interests. You’ll be equipped with knowledge about tourism in relation to sustainable economic development and civil society. In addition to this, you’ll have the flexibility to take on a diverse range of optional modules across year 2 and 3, and take part in practice-based learning opportunities. The diverse style of learning will develop your skills and increase your prospects of employment once you graduate.We offer language options (Spanish, French and Mandarin) to assist students in terms of international employability, Aviation and passenger transport management for students who are keen to work in the transport sector, Customer Service Management and Hospitality Business Management for students who wish to develop a career in hospitality management.We have a dedicated International Tourism Industry and Employability’ module which is delivered by a colleague with extensive managerial experience in the hotel sector. This emphasises the importance we place on employability right from the beginning of the first year.The events management module will give you a great understanding of the events industry and everything that goes into planning memorable ones. You’ll cover planning, strategy, and management while analysing festivals and the requirements of different event types. You’ll also develop your own event concept and produce a portfolio to show your understanding of planning specific events.Our graduates have gone on to work for Marriot, Thomas Cook, Etihad, and many more. The course opens doors to many different industries too, including tourist boards, local authorities, airports, hotels, and museums.

How you’ll apply your new skills

You’ll practice applying your newly learned skills in different situations to get you ready for the world of work. The programme places a strong emphasis on experiential learning, and every year you’ll take part in a range of physical and/or virtual field trips.You’ll also have plenty of opportunities to plan your career far ahead of graduation. A designated team will be on hand to help and you’ll be engaged in industry networking events and careers fairs.

Get the support you need

We know sometimes you’ll need assistance and support when it comes to your studies. During your time with us you'll get assistance from a Personal Tutor. If you require a little extra help we have Student Learning Assistants and Graduate Academic Assistants on hand to help.

Introducing our new Learning Framework

After working with our students to gather feedback on what they love most about our courses, we’re making some changes to how we structure and teach our programmes for the start of the 2024/25 academic year. You can find more information about how this course is affected by viewing the relevant course information sheet on our Learning Framework page:

Application deadline

29 January

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

£ 16,600per year

Tuition fees shown are for indicative purposes and may vary. Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

Entry requirements

Choose a qualification


UCAS Points : 112

GCSE English at C/4 or above


University information

Middlesex University

  • University League Table


  • Campus address

    Middlesex University, Hendon Campus, The Burroughs, Barnet, NW4 4BT, England

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