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International Tourism Management with Foundation BSc (Hons)

University of West London

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Course options

  • Qualification

    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - BSc (Hons)

  • Location

    Main site - West London

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    4 Years

Course summary

A successful manager knows their industry well and has a well-rounded set of skills that enables them to deal with daily challenges. This course will support you to develop your operational, management and communication skills to deliver an excellent customer experience. You will examine a range of travel and tourism management issues from service and operational management to development, sustainability and legal implications.The focus of the course is on understanding the travel and tourism industry as a business. You will learn about:the structure and organisation of the tourism industryhow the industry is changing and whythe needs of customersthe development of new tourism products and services up to date knowledge of how technology and social media are transforming the industry how new products and services are brought to the market. You will also examine a range of management related modules designed to develop your personal and professional skills including:tourism marketinghuman resource management in the service sectorfinance and planning for the travel and tourism sector social media, information and business technologystrategic management in the tourism industry. Examples and case studies are taken from a range of different companies and organisation in the public and private sectors and from all regions of the world.The second year of study (Level 5) offers an opportunity to carry out international fieldwork in another European country to examine travel and tourism operations first hand The diverse module options and the final year project will give you the opportunity to explore a particular areas of tourism interest, which can help you identify and work towards your career goals.PlacementYou can choose to take this course with a work placement of 40 weeks (1400 hours) after Level 5. This can be in any sector of the travel and tourism industry, either in the UK or abroad. It will give you the opportunity to expand your network, gain paid experience and enhance your professional skills. Once our placement is over, you will return for your final year of studies.This course includes a foundation year.

Application deadline

29 January

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

Information not available

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University information

University of West London

  • University League Table


  • Campus address

    University of West London - (UWL), St Mary's Road, Ealing, Greater London, W5 5RF, United Kingdom

Strong links with industry, enabling students to gain career-specific insights, expertise and skills.
A stunning campus creates an inspiring environment for students, with high-quality training facilities and dedicated postgraduate facilities.
The university has a diverse and welcoming student community, creating a perfect environment to learn, make connections and explore in a global city.

Subject rankings

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