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  • Undergraduate courses
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Course options

  • Qualification

    Postgraduate Diploma

  • Location


  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    1 year

Course summary

Why study this course?

Get ready for a role as a professional interpreter in international organisations, the private market and public services operating under English law.

You can study this course in the following languages, all paired with English: Arabic, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, Polish, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.

This course provides tuition in conference interpreting and public service interpreting (PSI) relating to English law. If you are solely interested in conference interpreting, our

  • Conference Interpreting PG Dip
  • or
  • Conference Interpreting MA
  • provide a dedicated conference interpreting training for the European Union and United Nations context. Instead, this course offers a public service interpreting (English law) module.

    This course offers a Distance Learning option for full tume (one year) and part time (two years) students. Students from both courses are taught together synchronous hybrid mode as one community of learners.

    Take your career to the next level with this Interpreting postgraduate diploma. You’ll benefit from a range of practical experience including site visits, shadowing professional interpreters at work and dummy booth practice both face-to-face and online.

    We’ve got a

  • state-of-the-art interpreting suite
  • that has the same technology as top international institutions such as the EU and UN. You can also practise legal public service interpreting (PSI) in our mock courtroom. Our PSI expertise is well known at national and international level.

    Outside the classroom, you’ll have opportunities to go on guided trips and travel to institutions outside the UK such as the United Nations in Geneva and the Court of Justice at the European Commission in Luxembourg.

    You’ll practise remote interpreting, using innovative online technology to successfully interpret in a post-covid world.

    As part of this course you’ll learn different strategies on how to approach and complete long consecutive interpreting, interpreting theory to help you reflect on your own performance, plus how to prepare yourself for work as a professional interpreter in the context of conference interpreting (private market) and public services (English law).

    You’ll also learn how to work in the context of public service interpreting, meaning immigration services, the police, courts and probation services. By exploring this area in-depth you’ll learn specific terminology relevant to interpreters in this field, plus how the interactions work between the service provider, the client and you as the interpreter.

    This postgraduate diploma can be studied as a stand-alone qualification, where you gain the knowledge and guidance without having to complete research like on a typical master’s degree. However, you could also use this course as a stepping stone to study our

  • Interpreting MA
  • .

    Available part-time, you can study this course alongside your job and other personal commitments. This is a day course that requires two days per week of your time for a part-time student and four days per week as a full-time student.

    Tuition fees

    Students living in United States
    (International fees)

    £ 10,500per year

    Tuition fees shown are for indicative purposes and may vary. Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

    University information

    London Metropolitan University

    London Metropolitan University

    • University League Table


    • Campus address

      London Metropolitan University, Admissions Office, 166-220 Holloway Road, City of London, N7 8DB, England

    Both campuses are in the heart of London, which has been ranked one of the best cities in the world for university students year after year.
    London Met is home to a diverse community of more than 140 different nationalities.
    The dedicated international team organises induction events and can advise on immigration issues including visas, family and dependants, and work opportunities.

    Subject rankings

    • Subject ranking

      110th out of 122 2

    • Entry standards

      / Max 221
      93 42%


    • Graduate prospects

      / Max 100
      53.0 53%


    • Student satisfaction

      / Max 4
      3.35 84%



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