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Landscape Architecture MA (Hons)

University of Edinburgh

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Course options

  • Qualification

    Master of Arts (with Honours) - MA (Hons)

  • Location

    Central area campus

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    5 Years

Course summary

This 5 year programme is a fully integrated Masters level programme, enabling students to enter at undergraduate level and advance directly to graduate at postgraduate level. Our graduates are in high demand across the globe and we believe that the integrated nature of the 5-year MA programme gives you confidence in defining your own specific areas of interest and specialism, to carry these into a meaningful future career.While the 5-year programme may seem longer in duration than other landscape architecture programmes in the UK, the reduced fee for the year in professional practice means the total tuition cost is comparable with other competitor programmes. The integrated pathway also provides major advantages in allowing you to progress automatically to postgraduate studies, while fully supporting you during professional placements. The programme also avoids a final summer semester common to most postgraduate programmes.

What is Landscape Architecture?

Landscape architecture is a creative discipline that operates at the forefront of major societal and environmental challenges.It is a well-established profession that strives to offer creative design strategies to help tackle, for example, the impacts of climate change and the loss of biodiversity, while promoting the sustainable use of environmental resources, including food, energy and water. Landscape architects design spatial settings for social interaction and everyday life, meaning they play an essential role in promoting public health and social justice in society. At larger scales, landscape architects create planning strategies for: urban growth infrastructural and ecological networks carbon reduction hydrological systemsThe discipline involves synthesising the various factors that converge in landscapes. This requires creative and critical ideas that work across social, ecological, environmental and material concerns.This synthetic form of discipline makes our students aware of the dynamic world around us, while equipping them with the skills and knowledge to make a positive change.

Landscape Architecture at the University of Edinburgh

Our teaching staff are designers, makers and theorists who engage with both local and global landscapes through world-leading research and practice that directly informs our teaching.In addition, we employ many tutors from industry who provide valuable insights into professional practice.We also have a unique relationship with the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. Their researchers and scientists contribute to teaching with their knowledge of plants and horticulture.

European Pathway

We are the only UK institution to offer a collaborative European Masters in Landscape Architecture (EMiLA), accredited by the Landscape Institute, offering our students the unique opportunity to take part in this innovative programme. This is a two-year, professionally accredited programme offered jointly by five of Europe’s leading landscape architecture institutions. Students can opt into this programme after year 3. European masters students will spend: the first semester in Edinburgh the second and third semester with two of our four European partners the fourth semester in EdinburghOur four prestigious partners are: Ecole Nationale Supérieure du Paysage (ENSP, Versailles) Leibniz Universität (Hanover) Akademie Van Bouwkunst (Amsterdam) Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB, Barcelona) Each partner has different perspectives on landscape architecture as a profession, subject and design medium.


Application deadline

29 January

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

£ 36,800per year

Tuition fees shown are for indicative purposes and may vary. Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

Entry requirements

Choose a qualification

A level : ABB

Required subjects: A Levels: no specific A Level subjects required. GCSEs: English at C or 4 and one from Biology or Human Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science or equivalent, Geography, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, or Science at C or 4. Evidence of artistic ability is normally required at either A Level or GCSE.


University information

University of Edinburgh

  • University League Table


  • Campus address

    University of Edinburgh, The University of Edinburgh, Old College, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, City Of, EH8 9YL, Scotland

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