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Law and Legal Practice (Top-up) LLB (Hons)

Bloomsbury Institute London

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Course options

  • Qualification

    Bachelor of Law (with Honours) - LLB (Hons)

  • Location

    Bloomsbury Campus

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    1 Years

Course summary

If you hold a HND (Higher National Diploma) in Law or a related subject (or an equivalent qualification) and you’d like to achieve a full honours degree in just a year, we’ve designed our Top-up LLB (Hons) Legal Practice just for you.Our LLB (Hons) Law and Legal Practice has been redesigned to meet the changes that have been made to how you qualify as a lawyer.However, a law degree is not just for those who wish to pursue a legal career. Irrespective of your career aspirations, our practice-based LLB will equip you with skills that are in demand by employers.On our LLB, academic knowledge is brought to life. Throughout the course you will put that knowledge into real-life practice, providing you with a practice-based and vocational exposure.You will be taught by tutors who not only have experience of teaching law, but who also practise (or have practised) law as a Chartered Legal Executive, Solicitor or Barrister.We aim to provide you with a 21st Century technology-advanced educational experience where there are no hidden costs. Your tuition fees are fully inclusive – finance will not be a barrier to your ultimate success.By the end of your degree, you will:- Be able to make an active contribution to our Bloomsbury Law Clinic, providing you with invaluable clinical legal experience- Develop the essential practical legal knowledge and skills to enable you to secure quality legal (or non-legal) work experience during the course- Be "work ready" when you graduate, having been equipped with specialist and practical legal knowledge and skills, enabling you to secure highly skilled employment

Application deadline

29 January

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

£ 12,000per year

Tuition fees shown are for indicative purposes and may vary. Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

University information

Bloomsbury Institute London

  • Campus address

    Bloomsbury Institute, Cambridge House 373-375, Euston Road, London, NW1 3AR, England

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