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Law with European Legal Systems LLB (Hons)

University of East Anglia

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Course options

  • Qualification

    Bachelor of Law (with Honours) - LLB (Hons)

  • Location

    Main Site

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    4 Years

Course summary

About This Course

The course offers an exciting opportunity to combine a law degree with a broader educational and cultural experience through a year studying at another European law faculty. This is a four-year course with a year abroad in the third year. If you do not have a foreign language, you can study at one of our partner law faculties across Europe where law modules are taught in English. For this pathway, we currently have links with universities in Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovakia and Slovenia. If you have studied French at A level (or equivalent), you can follow a pathway specialising in French. You’ll take French language tuition in the first and second year in preparation for the third year at one of our partner French law faculties. You can choose to study fully in French or combine law modules offered in English with some in French. If you have studied Spanish at A Level (or equivalent), you can follow a pathway specialising in Spanish. You will take Spanish language tuition in the first and second year in preparation for the third year at one of our partner Spanish law faculties. You can choose to study fully in Spanish or combine law modules offered in English with some in Spanish. Your studies at UEA combine the seven foundation subjects of a traditional law degree with a wealth of free choices which allow you to tailor your degree around the subjects that interest you and stimulate your curiosity. Thanks to our semesterised approach to teaching, each of our modules are taught in one semester, allowing you plenty of choice. During the course, you’ll develop important skills, such as research, writing and constructing a reasoned argument. The point of legal study is not simply to memorise the law, but to be able to engage with it skillfully. As such, many of the skills you will acquire are transferrable and will be valuable in your chosen career path. Throughout the degree, you’ll be given guidance on your work and constructive feedback to help you improve. You will have an Academic Adviser to make sure that you get the most from your studies and help you reach your full potential. You’ll also have many opportunities to build your skills, confidence and professional CV through extra-curricular activities and the Law School’s unique employability programme. You could, for example, complete an internship at a law firm, or you could ‘marshal’, spending a day on the bench with a judge during a trial. You could benefit from the alumni-mentoring scheme, where Law School graduates offer career mentoring to individual students. Our many events with law firms, barrister chambers and alumni create great opportunities for finding out about the options for when you graduate. You could make a difference in the local community, working for the public good (pro bono) with the UEA Law Clinic. Our students have recovered millions of pounds for welfare benefits claimants wrongly denied payments. We have won the national LawWorks Best Partnership in Pro Bono award no fewer than four times. You can also have fun, build your profile and hone valuable skills by joining in Law Society activities. As well as social events, these include beginner and advanced mooting contests where a point of law is debated in a simulated court hearing. Finals are judged by barristers and judges. The Law Society also holds negotiation, client interviewing, mediation and legal triathlon competitions, the finals of which are hosted by law firms. In 2016, the UEA Law Society won LawCareers.Net award for ‘Best Pro Bono’ activities and in 2019 the award as the best law society for Commercial Awareness.

Application deadline

29 January

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

£ 20,600per year

Tuition fees shown are for indicative purposes and may vary. Please check with the institution for most up to date details.


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University information

University image

University of East Anglia

  • University League Table


  • Campus address

    University of East Anglia UEA, Norwich Research Park, Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 7TJ, England

UEA is a highly-respected university offering a safe environment on the edge of the beautiful and diverse city of Norwich and traditional English countryside.
UEA's global student body is well supported from the moment of application, right through to becoming an alumnus, with student satisfaction a key priority.
Key employers for UEA's international students include Siemens, BDO, HSBC, PwC and Apple.

Subject rankings

  • Subject ranking

    29th out of 109 1

  • Entry standards

    / Max 221
    137 62%


  • Graduate prospects

    / Max 100
    89.0 89%


  • Student satisfaction

    / Max 4
    2.96 74%



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