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Course options

  • Qualification

    MA - Master of Arts

  • Location

    London College of Communication

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    1 Year

Course summary

MA Music Management will help you effectively manage artists across a range of disciplines, from popular music through to experimental practices. Youll develop diverse management skills and deepen your understanding of all aspects of the music industry, from business strategy to marketing and promotion.

MA Music Management will prepare you for a career in the management of musicians across a range of disciplines, from popular music through to experimental sound practices. As a discipline, Music Management covers an extremely broad spectrum of activities, including the identification of musical talent, the curation of live events, the coordination of many stakeholders within the music industry, business and marketing, promotion, and accountancy. The evolving nature of these activities is central to this course, helping you to understand how the music industry works and how you may find your place within such an industry.

In addition to its core focus, on the management of musical artists, MA Music Management examines the key roles and responsibilities involved in management, including accounting and financial management, business planning and delivery, strategic planning, the delivery and co-ordination of music activities and events. MA Music Management develops both theoretical and practical skills the artist, and the promotion of their art, is at the heart of this management course, and central to the course ethos and design. The course is ideal for anyone that has completed an undergraduate programme in a related subject. Alternatively, it is suited to professionals who wish to return to study and further develop their own music management practices.

Working within one of the leading art and design universities in the world, you will have many opportunities to collaborate across disciplines the course is designed to maximise collaborative opportunities that provide you with hands-on experience of music management. Throughout the MA, you will build a portfolio of work that showcases your creative and business talents, often working to industry briefs, designed alongside industry practitioners and partner companies. You will have the opportunity to critically reflect upon, and evaluate, your own practice, enhancing your unique profile as an artist manager, and will leave the course ready to pursue your career in the music industries.

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

£ 29,990per year

Tuition fees shown are for indicative purposes and may vary. Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

University information

University of the Arts, London

  • University League Table


  • Campus address

    University of the Arts London, 272 High Holborn, London, London, WC1V 7EY, England

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