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Course options

  • Qualification

    MA - Master of Arts

  • Location

    Goldsmiths, University of London

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    1 year

Course summary

This international MA programme gives you the opportunity to develop your practice as an independent and collaborative performance practitioner. It invites you to explore and experiment with live, digital, intermedial and socially and politically engaged performance.

Why study MA Performance Making at Goldsmiths

Develop your own performance practice

  • The MA Performance Making programme fosters a creative-critical, experimental and interdisciplinary approach to performance. You’ll study with and learn from a diverse range of practitioners from different creative disciplines, exploring your own practice through performance-making.
  • You’ll gain both practical and critical skills in composing performance, while being encouraged to question, challenge, and reconfigure what performance-making is.
  • During your studies, you’ll be guided to create a portfolio of performances and writings that are designed to let you experiment, take risks and push your own boundaries in a rigorous and supportive learning environment, expanding and transforming your practice.
  • You’ll have the opportunity to take part in a final-year degree show, showcasing your work and celebrating the culmination of your studies. Explore the 2023 MA Performance Making show, Verge Festival.
  • Practice as research approach

  • Performance-making is a mode of enquiry that considers performance as a strategy to think about art, culture and the contemporary world. This practice-as-research approach is embedded throughout the programme.
  • You’ll be encouraged, guided and supported to become an articulate practitioner and a creative thinker; able to conceive, make, critique, and write about your own or others’ performance.
  • Careers

    Graduates from the programme typically go on to work as employable performers and researchers, cultural leaders and programmers, and innovators and collaborators in the performing arts both in the UK and internationally.

    Some teach at school, college and university level and provide freelance workships, while others continue their practice-based research at PhD level, with several returning to the department for this after graduating from the MA.

    Many find work in related areas of the profession, including as programmers, venue directors, project leaders, market development directors, dramaturges and directors.

    Tuition fees

    Students living in United States
    (International fees)

    £ 19,520per year

    Tuition fees shown are for indicative purposes and may vary. Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

    University information

    Goldsmiths, University of London

    • University League Table


    • Campus address

      Goldsmiths, University of London, New Cross, Lewisham, SE14 6NW, England

    Subject rankings

    • Subject ranking

      33rd out of 95 19

    • Entry standards

      / Max 198
      130 66%


    • Graduate prospects

      / Max 100
      72.0 72%


    • Student satisfaction

      / Max 4
      2.76 69%



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