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Maritime Engineering Science: Advanced Computational Engineering MSc

University of Southampton

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Course options

  • Qualification

    MSc - Master of Science

  • Location

    Boldrewood Innovation Campus

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    1 year

Course summary

This master's covers the core subjects of Maritime Engineering Science for both the design and analysis of marine craft and structures within the marine environment. You can choose from five pathways, each covers a broad context alongside an in-depth specialisation of your choice.

On this pathway, you'll study the theoretical and computational aspects of fluid behaviour and its interaction with structures, core to the fundamentals of engineering in the maritime environment.

This course is ideal if you are a graduate or professional with an engineering, scientific or mathematical background, and want to pursue a career in the maritime sector. Specialist knowledge of the discipline isn't essential, as we'll provide you with an introductory module to the fundamentals of Ship Science.

Assessment methods (Outcome qualification level): Examinations, presentations, coursework and dissertation Professional bodies: Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST) |Institution of Mechanical Engineers |Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA) | Engineering Council | Institute of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) | European Accreditation of Engineering Programmes (EAEP).

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

£ 31,500per year

Tuition fees shown are for indicative purposes and may vary. Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

University information

University of Southampton

University of Southampton

  • University League Table


  • Campus address

    University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton, Hampshire, SO17 1BJ, England

Southampton is proud of its inclusive global community and welcomes students from over 130 countries.
As a truly global university, Southampton has many opportunities for students to develop intercultural skills through its wide variety of clubs and societies.
Specialist careers support and paid year in employment and internship opportunities prepare international students for their future.

Subject rankings

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