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Master of Design in Design Innovation & Environmental Design

The Glasgow School of Art

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Course options

  • Qualification

    MDes - Master of Design

  • Location

    Glasgow School of Highlands & Islands Campus

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    1 year

Course summary

Programme Overview

This programme is taught at the GSA's campus in the Highlands of Scotland.

The focus of this unique programme is the potential for design to shape how we interact with the spaces we inhabit. In recent decades, our experience of space and place has been radically transformed, as people travel further and more frequently than ever before. Alongside this, the expansion of digital technology has led to novel forms of environmental interaction. As societies shift and adapt, the meaning of place and community are being redefined, presenting designers with an exciting range of possibilities and challenges.

The programme focuses on ways of using design to explore our experience of the physical and cultural landscape, so that we can reimagine the potential and possibilities of places and communities. You will learn about tools and processes that are essential when responding to the needs of particular demographics and environments. After immersing yourself in your chosen context, you will develop, prototype and test proposals based on how people use and feel about that specific place.

You will also be encouraged to explore your personal motivations, which might relate to community development, design for sustainability, place-making or wayfinding. Through the programme’s emphasis on innovation and the exploration of preferable future scenarios, our alumni are well equipped to make a significant and lasting contribution to the field of environmental design.

You will also have the opportunity to engage with peers from international schools as part of the annual Winter School held at the campus in Forres. This seasonal event brings together students and faculty from leading institutions around the world for a two-week programme of lectures, workshops and networking opportunities that offers an insight into what a career in design as a global activity looks like.


The assessment combines written work, visual and project material produced both by groups and individuals. The assessment formats are designed to develop analytical thinking, creative synthesis and a rigorous capacity for reflection and self-evaluation. There is an emphasis upon collaborative studio working combined with individual exploration and analysis of theoretical positions and discourses. Students will also achieve PgCert and PgDip exit awards during this course.

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

£ 25,000per year

Tuition fees shown are for indicative purposes and may vary. Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

University information

The Glasgow School of Art

  • Campus address

    Glasgow School of Art, 167 Renfrew Street, Glasgow, Glasgow, City Of, G3 6RQ, Scotland

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