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Course options

  • Qualification

    Higher National Certificate - HNC

  • Location

    Main Campus (Ipswich Road)

  • Study mode

    Part time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    1.5 Years

Course summary

The purpose of Pearson BTEC Higher Nationals in Engineering is to develop students as professional, self-reflecting individuals who are able to meet the demands of employers in the rapidly evolving engineering sector and adapt to a constantly changing world. The qualifications also aim to widen access to higher education and enhance the career prospects of those who undertake them.This course is for individuals wishing to develop higher-level professional skills relevant to the mechanical engineering sector. The Level 4 units lay the foundation of learning by providing a broad introduction to the engineering sector as well as a focused introduction to mechanical engineering. This develops and strengthens core skills while preparing students for more specialist subjects at Level 5 or to enter employment with the qualities necessary for job roles that require some personal responsibility.Students will gain a wide range of scientific and engineering knowledge linked to practical skills obtained through research, independent study, directed study and workplace scenarios. Students are involved in vocational activities that help them to develop behaviours (the attitudes and approaches required for a competence) and transferable skills.By the end of Level 4 study, students will have sound knowledge of the basic concepts of mechanical engineering. They will be competent in a range of subject specific skills as well as in general skills and qualities relevant to these key areas of engineering.If you have any specific questions about this course, please contact Dr Dimitris Kakofengitis - Course Leader HN Engineering, email:

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

Information not available

Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

Entry requirements

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UCAS Points :

Applicants should have four GCSEs at grade four or above (Equivalent to A*-C), including Maths, plus ONE of the following:At least one A level, in either Mathematics or PhysicsBTEC Level 3 in Mechanical Engineering (or equivalent).Access to Higher Education: Diploma in EngineeringGNVQ Advanced Level in EngineeringAdvanced Diploma in Engineering Minimum grades apply, please ask for details.The HNC qualifications offered from September 2017 are new versions introduced by BTEC. As a result, anyone wanting to accredit prior


University information

City College Norwich (incorporating Easton College)

  • Campus address

    City College Norwich, Ipswich Road, Norwich, Norfolk, NR2 2LJ, England

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