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Medicine (Graduate Entry) MB ChB

University of Manchester

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Course options

  • Qualification

    Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery - MB ChB

  • Location

    Main Site

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    4 Years

Course summary

Our Graduate Entry Medicine (GEM) course educates, trains and prepares students for practice in the healthcare systems of today and the future. We are the largest medical school in the UK, with over 2,500 undergraduate medical students.This course is aimed at students who have completed or are due to graduate from a life science or allied-health professional degree and want to pursue a career in medicine. This accelerated programme will allow you to complete a medicine degree in 4 years, instead of the full 5-6 years it usually takes.The course starts with a bespoke Graduate Entry Medicine (GEM) year undertaken by graduate entry students as a solo cohort.From the beginning of Year 2 of study until the end of your final year, you will learn alongside students who are in years three to five of our 5-year and 6-year medicine courses. You will learn primarily through clinical placements organised around our Clinical Education Campuses that comprise four base hospitals and their associated teaching hospitals and community placements.Years 2 and 3 of study are underpinned by blended learning. This means your clinical practice will be supported by online cases and face-to-face themed case discussions to develop your clinical knowledge, communication and decision-making skills. You will spend the majority of your week learning from real patients, applying the basic scientific knowledge and clinical skills you acquired in the earlier parts of the course.The final year of the course is focused on preparation for practice.We use a wide variety of teaching and learning methods to ensure you benefit from the best attributes of traditional and novel teaching methods.The key Manchester approach is active learning through the study of themed case discussions combined with learning in clinical placements. This is supported throughout the course by lectures and practical classes (including anatomy).Our course integrates science and clinical learning so you are able to apply scientific knowledge, decision-making and critical thinking concepts to your clinical practice.Upon graduation, you will be able to apply knowledge, intellectual and practical skills to understand and manage the complex healthcare needs of individuals and society. You will also develop the skills to meet the demands of changing healthcare environments.Successful completion of the course will enable you to meet the core General Medical Council requirements to apply for Foundation Year 1 posts. See the Careers tab for more details.

Possible Changes to Course Content

Although the information on this course page is currently correct, the MBChB is under review. This means that there may be changes to the structure of the course across any or all years, and/or to the relevant assessments and regulations.Offer holders will be notified of any changes before the course begins, but as medicine is an evolving subject area, the course may also change after you begin your studies. Because of this, we update the programme handbooks for each year of study annually, and we notify students of the following year's content in advance.

Application deadline

15 October

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

Information not available

Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

Entry requirements

Choose a qualification

A level :

Applicants who are currently studying towards a 2:1 honours degree (or international equivalent), should have achieved a minimum of BBB at A-level in your first sitting (32 IB points overall with 5,5,5, at higher level).You will also be required to meet the condition of a 2:1 honours degree should you be successful in being offered a place on this course. If you have already achieved a 2:1 honours degree or above (or international equivalent), the A-level minimum requirement of BBB will be waived.We welcome application


University information

University of Manchester

  • University League Table


  • Campus address

    The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, Manchester, M13 9PL, England

Subject rankings

  • Subject ranking

    20th out of 36

  • Entry standards

    / Max 247
    176 71%


  • Graduate prospects

    / Max 100
    99.0 99%


  • Student satisfaction

    / Max 4
    2.84 71%



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