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MSc Brand Management (16 months)

Anglia Ruskin University

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Course options

  • Qualification

    MSc - Master of Science

  • Location

    Cambridge Campus

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    16 months

Course summary


Enhance your marketing skills and learn how to create and manage a successful brand, with our Masters degree in Cambridge. You know the importance of marketing, both for yourself and your organisation. And you want to grow that knowledge in a digital, brand-orientated way. Branding isn’t just a concept: it can be a way of life for social influencers and those who want to stand out. The skills to manage that brand are highly sought after. The world of marketing moves fast, but at ARU you'll learn the skills you need to keep pace, grow a brand and think strategically about its future.

By studying a Masters in Brand Management, you’ll gain a substantial grounding in the theory that drives the marketing function, and the skills you need to create and manage a successful brand. Taking real-world challenges as our starting point, there's a strong focus on practical, hands-on learning, including the option to take a placement in industry. We’ll deconstruct brands to understand the essence of their appeal, how they create demand for their product, and the ways in which they can cut across cultural boundaries. In doing this we’ll examine a range of marketing techniques and strategies. We’ll also consider the changing environment in which brands operate and their response to innovation, or ‘disruption’. You'll look at the challenges brands face around ethics and sustainability, and how they can communicate their value proposition to consumers. Studying MSc Brand Management at ARU is a great way to develop your career, sharpen your skill-set and learn more about a subject you love.

How you'll be assessed

We place a strong emphasis on practical and professional skills. You’ll be assessed on group presentations, reports, audits, dissertation or work-based portfolio, and the application of digital skills.


Completing our MSc Brand Management will furnish you with the skills that marketing professionals need to work in a range of sectors and organisations. These skills are in high demand in the fast-paced digital environments that marketing teams work in. As a graduate, you could choose to work in a marketing agency, or you may find a role with the in-house marketing department of a company in a different field. Your knowledge of personal branding and marketing in general could also help you build and grow your own business.

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

£ 17,700per year

Tuition fees shown are for indicative purposes and may vary. Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

University information

University image

Anglia Ruskin University

  • University League Table


  • Campus address

    Anglia Ruskin University, East Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB1 1PT, England

Vibrant and bustling city campuses in Cambridge, Chelmsford and Peterborough – all with close transport links to London.
A friendly and welcoming community of students and staff from around the globe.
A range of international scholarships available.

Subject rankings

  • Subject ranking

    48th out of 87 23

  • Entry standards

    / Max 204
    100 49%


  • Graduate prospects

    / Max 100
    90.0 90%


  • Student satisfaction

    / Max 4
    2.99 75%



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