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Course options

  • Qualification

    MSc - Master of Science

  • Location

    Online learning

  • Study mode

    Distance / Online

  • Start date


  • Duration

    2 Years

Course summary


Construction managers have the critical role of organising and planning complex construction projects, ensuring that safety standards and procedures are met. Construction managers are highly trained professionals who are involved in a wide spectrum of projects ranging from simple residential dwellings to complex infrastructure projects. This profession involves a suite of skills which are essential to transforming the clients brief through the management of the construction process up to the readiness for operation of that project.

This is an industry-recognised qualification that provides you with the academic preparation you need for a career as a construction professional. It is a fully supported online programme with great flexibility to earn while you learn, giving you the ability to study anywhere in the world.


This programme will enable you to acquire skills and competencies which will enable you to face the challenges of a rapidly changing world. It also provides a platform to further enhance your professional and technical skills to enable you to move into a more senior position within construction management.

The MSc Construction Management programme is a fully supported online programme that offers great flexibility for you to earn while you learn and study wherever you are based in the world. Many of our students often already work in, or are associated with, the property and construction industries.

This programme is designed to align your skills to the educational requirements of the industrys professional bodies. It provides a rigorous understanding of the principles and practice involved in construction management.

This conversion MSc Construction Management programme enables graduates from disciplines unrelated to construction and real estate to obtain an accredited degree covering the core technical disciplines of the construction management specialism and their role within the wider context of built environment professional disciplines.


Studying online means taking control of when and where you study so you can study at your own pace, no matter where you are in the world. It means being able to balance your home and work life with your education so you can earn while you learn.

When you study at UCEM, youll be using our state-of-the-art Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), a specialised resource which provides you with everything you need to keep on top of your studies and succeed.

Youll be guided through your learning with weekly study schedules and course guides, which you can adapt to suit your needs, pace and lifestyle. Studying online doesnt mean studying alone as youll be fully supported by tutors and a community of students throughout your journey.


Your learning experience with UCEM will be fully supported through a range of activities on our VLE. Youll also have access to UCEMs valuable and comprehensive e-Library service, providing you with a wealth of subject-specific materials to support you throughout your studies.


As a graduate with a construction management Masters degree, youll be highly sought after by employers for your wide range of technical and managerial skills. Your career options will be incredibly diverse, and no two days will be the same.


  • Construction site management
  • Estimation
  • Site engineering
  • Contracts surveying
  • Planning
  • Local authority surveying
  • Maintenance management
  • SME building company ownership/management

Application deadline


Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

£ 5,300per year

Tuition fees shown are for indicative purposes and may vary. Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

University information

University College of Estate Management

  • Campus address

    University College of Estate Management, Horizons, 60 Queen's Road, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 4BS, United Kingdom

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