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MSc Renewable and Sustainable Energy Technologies (16 months)

Northumbria University

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Course options

  • Qualification

    MSc - Master of Science

  • Location

    City Centre Campus

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    16 months

Course summary

Course Overview

Renewable energy production is increasing rapidly and there is a global shortage of trained engineers. With this master’s course you’ll have a highly relevant qualification that’s accredited by the Engineering Council via the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE).

The course covers topics such as photovoltaic, wind, thermo-mechanical energy conversion systems, hybrid renewable energy systems, energy efficiency, building energy modelling and engineering optimisation.

The University has a well-established reputation for renewable and sustainable energy technologies.

You’ll benefit from excellent technical facilities including specialist workshops. We also have a laboratory that’s dedicated to power networks, wind energy, photovoltaics and battery testing for electric vehicles.

Accredited by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) on behalf of the Engineering Council as the course meets the requirements for Further Learning for registration as a Chartered Engineer. Candidates must hold a CEng accredited BEng/BSc (Hons) undergraduate first degree to comply with full CEng registration requirements.

Your Future

By the end of this course you’ll be in an excellent position to start or continue a career in renewable and sustainable energy technologies. Renewable energy production could increase by up to 1,000% by 2050 compared to 2010, according to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, so there will be a pressing need for well-trained professionals.

You could also undertake a postgraduate research degree such as an MPhil, PhD and Professional Doctorate. If you decide to start up your own business, it’s good to know that the combined turnover of our graduates’ start-up companies is higher than that of any other UK university.

Whatever you decide to do, you will have the transferable skills that employers expect from a master’s graduate from Northumbria University. These include the ability to tackle complex issues through conceptualisation and undertaking research, the ability to contribute to new processes and knowledge, and the ability to formulate balanced judgements when considering incomplete or ambiguous data.

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

£ 14,813per year

Tuition fees shown are for indicative purposes and may vary. Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

University information

Northumbria University

Northumbria University

  • University League Table


  • Campus address

    Northumbria University, Northumberland Building, Northumberland Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland, NE1 8ST, England

Specialist country advisors offer support and guidance to international students via in-country visits, online events and a one-to-one booking system.
Northumbria is based in the heart of multicultural Newcastle, famous for its safety and friendliness. Accommodation is only a short walk from campus.
Key postgraduate courses include master's in construction project management, public health, digital marketing, advanced computer science, and forensic science.

Subject rankings

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