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Course options

  • Qualification

    Higher National Diploma - HND

  • Location

    Neath College

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    2 Years

Course summary

Course Overview

The Music Academy HND in Music is a Full-time, Higher Education course designed for students who wish to further their academic studies or to embark on a career in music. With an estimated value of £1.33bn to the UK economy in music sales alone and an overall worth of £4.5bn in 2017, you will develop your skills to enter an emergent and exhilarating professional path.

Music industry jobs are amongst the most varied, with roles including film, television, stadiums, recording studios, live performances, education and freelance work available. Specific jobs include session musician, performer, studio engineer, music agency executive, sound designer, composer, arranger, musical director, west end performer, music teacher, music therapist, radio broadcaster, music journalist, researcher, event manager or record label manager.

In addition to your formal studies in music, you will have the opportunity immerse yourself in the extra-curricular opportunities available within the Music Academy including Choir, Function Band, Jazz Band, Orchestra and Brass Group. You will perform regularly in the purpose built Nidum Arts Centre, situated on campus, whilst there are many UK and international performance tours undertaken.


You will learn - via a combination of taught lectures / practical classes and workshops / self-directed study and blended learning, with a focus on developing instrumental/vocal technical skills and the additional underpinning knowledge, etc. essential to the employable musician.

Assessment takes place via continual assessment / coursework / written assignments / assessment evenings.


A recognised progression route for this programme is the BA (Hons) Music or other music related degrees. Graduates have employment prospects in a diverse range of media companies as well as the music industry, for example: session musician, performer, studio engineer, music agency executive, sound designer, composer and arranger, musical director, music teacher, music therapist, radio broadcaster, music journalist, researcher, event manager, record label manager.

Application deadline

29 January

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

Information not available

Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

Entry requirements

University information

NPTC Group

  • Campus address

    NPTC Group, Dwr-Y-Felin Road, Neath, Neath Port Talbot, SA10 7RF, Wales

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