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Nursing (Mental Health) BSc

Aberystwyth University

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Course options

  • Qualification

    Bachelor of Science - BSc

  • Location

    Main Site (Aberystwyth)

  • Study mode

    Part time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    4 Years

Course summary


The BSc Nursing (Mental Health) at Aberystwyth University offers you a comprehensive theoretical and practical curriculum. You will learn how to facilitate person centred holistic care in a variety of settings using innovative teaching and learning techniques. You will have opportunities to learn with and from other students as well as a variety of health professionals with different expertise which will help broaden your knowledge and skills.Aberystwyth University will adopt the Once for Wales framework and will follow an All-Wales approach to the implementation of the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s Standards for Education and Training.Successful completion of this degree course will enable you to register as a Registered Nurse - Mental Health with the Nursing and Midwifery Council.The nursing programme at Aberystwyth University embraces its rural Mid Wales roots, offering a bespoke and intimate learning experience where the mountains meet the sea. The fundamentals of holistic nursing practice are complemented by dynamic nursing care delivery models underpinned by evidence-based healthcare. The Aberystwyth University Healthcare Education Centre is newly established and houses the Clinical Skills Unit, a state-of-the-art simulation suite where you will learn clinical skills in a safe and supportive environment. Working collaboratively with Health Boards and other Healthcare Services in the area, the programme will benefit from practical clinical application in real world environments.Fifty percent of the overall programme is available through the medium of Welsh and if you are a non-Welsh speaker and wish to learn Welsh, the programme also offers basic conversational health-related Welsh lessons.Aberystwyth University will provide you with different perspectives of caring and the programme will equip you with the skills needed to enhance the future nursing workforce.

Learning and Teaching

As a student undertaking the 4-year full time nursing programme, you will be expected to undertake 22.5 hours weekly study. The part-time programme is divided equally into theory and practice learning weeks with a total of 4,800 hours of learning. The part-time programme will offer one intake per year, and the commencement date will be in September.Theoretical content will be delivered in lots of different ways to suit all types of learning styles including lead lectures, seminars, workshops, small group work, clinical skills simulation, blended online learning and self-guided study.


As a nurse your skills will forever be in demand, and your learning experiences during your degree course will allow you to enhance your self-awareness, develop confidence and clinical expertise. Nursing is a versatile profession, with employment opportunities available within primary, secondary and tertiary care, community services, education, research, tourism, industry, public and private sectors, voluntary and charitable organisations - both here and internationally. Enhanced roles can lead to opportunities which help progress your career once qualified including roles in management, advanced and specialist clinical practice and research.The places on this programme are commissioned by Health Education and Improvement Wales and funded in line with the NHS Wales Bursary Scheme, and you will have to commit to working for two years as a nurse in Wales after qualifying and registering as a nurse with the Nursing and Midwifery Council. This process is managed centrally by NHS Wales Shared Service Partnership, and the Student Streamlining Scheme will ensure that you will be matched to a suitable position of your choice in your identified locality after you qualify.

Application deadline

29 January

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

£ 17,525per year

Tuition fees shown are for indicative purposes and may vary. Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

Entry requirements


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University information

Aberystwyth University

Aberystwyth University

  • University League Table


  • Campus address

    Aberystwyth University, Penglais, Aberystwyth, Wales, SY23 3FL, Wales

Aberystwyth's high-quality teaching, incredible location, and inclusive and welcoming community attracts students from over 100 different countries.
The university has a dedicated International Student Adviser who offers professional, specialised and regulated advice on study visas and graduate visas.

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