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Organised Crime and Global Security MA

London Metropolitan University

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Course options

  • Qualification

    MA - Master of Arts

  • Location


  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    1 year

Course summary

Why study this course?

The Organised Crime and Global Security MA is the ideal choice if you have an interest in organised crime and security matters on a global scale.

This degree will provide you with the leadership, management and analytical skills needed to succeed in the field. You'll gain valuable experience in research and the study of crime and politics.

You'll critically assess current policies and practices related to national and international crime control, as well as the links between these and international relations and politics. Option modules will allow you to specialise in a field that interests you, these include international law and order, conflict resolution and contemporary issues in criminology.

London Met invites visiting professors and experts in criminology and international relations to the University to share their expertise. These guest visits complement the knowledge of our academics who are actively engaged in research including street crime, gangs and police body cameras. This expertise will support you when undertaking your dissertation.

By the end of the course you'll be able to deal with complex issues both systematically and creatively, making sound judgements in the absence of complete data and communicating your conclusions clearly. The course is an opportunity to open up new thinking and to expand your career opportunities within the security industry.

More about this course

This degree is taught by specialists in criminology and international relations, many of whom are internationally recognised for their quality of work.

Practitioners regularly visit the University to share their expertise. We also organise a number of trips to public policy agencies, Non-Governmental Organisations, and relevant government bodies and international organisations.

The course will help prepare you for employment in the criminal justice and security sector. Those working in a related occupations will benefit greatly from this course, as it provides the contextualisation with which to understand the complexity of varied agencies, departments and policies related to crime, criminology and criminal justice.


You'll be assessed through essays, projects, and a dissertation between 12,000 and 15,000 words. The dissertation forms a key element of your master's degree. It allows you to pursue a topic of your choosing in depth and is to be completed over the summer study period.

Where this course can take you

Graduates from our masters programmes have found employment with the police, probation, prisons, the Border Agency, National Crime Agency, Europol and the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime, as well as academic or government research posts.

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

£ 18,150per year

Tuition fees shown are for indicative purposes and may vary. Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

University information

London Metropolitan University

London Metropolitan University

  • University League Table


  • Campus address

    London Metropolitan University, Admissions Office, 166-220 Holloway Road, City of London, N7 8DB, England

Both campuses are in the heart of London, which has been ranked one of the best cities in the world for university students year after year.
London Met is home to a diverse community of more than 140 different nationalities.
The dedicated international team organises induction events and can advise on immigration issues including visas, family and dependants, and work opportunities.

Subject rankings

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