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Philosophy and Sociology BA (Hons)

University of Birmingham

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Course options

  • Qualification

    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - BA (Hons)

  • Location

    Main Site

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    3 Years

Course summary

Learn from world-class talent with the BA Philosophy and Sociology undergraduate degree at the University of Birmingham. You'll engage with philosophical questions and develop the toolkit to form your own critical judgements on social changes reshaping the world today.From the ethics of killing to the impact of the media, this combined undergraduate degree course allows you to explore human life as both a philosopher and a social scientist, offering a challenging but unique perspective into human behaviour, morality and society.At Birmingham, you will have access to world-class Philosophy talent in fields as diverse as metaphysics, philosophy of psychiatry, epistemology, ethics, philosophy of religion and philosophy of mind. Meanwhile, the Sociology side of your undergraduate degree course will allow you to explore the dynamic, unprecedented social changes reshaping the world today and help you understand how social relations and structures influence all aspects of our lives.

Why study this course?

BA Philosophy and Sociology is right for you if...

You value the flexibility to tailor your degree

- the number of optional modules on offer will allow you to specialise more as you progress through your degree course so that you can study areas of the discipline that interest you most.

You want to study philosophy with a focus on contemporary issues

- at the University of Birmingham, the focus is on philosophy with real-world relevance, so you'll be delving into current topics such as mental health, sex, applied ethics, sustainability and more.

You're ready to shape the future

- studying Sociology will provide you with the knowledge and skills to critically engage issues such as globalisation, the changing nature of work and the family, gender roles and sexuality, multiculturalism, the impact of the media and information technologies, and new forms of politics.

You're aiming to lead the discourse

- the Department's position at the forefront of philosophical discussion and debate will prepare you to build and support your argumentation, developing transferable skills that appeal to employers.

You want to get a head start in the graduate market

 - take advantage of our work-based placements and employability focused modules and enter the workplace with the skills required to shape the digital and creative agendas of the future.

11th for Philosophy in the Complete University Guide 2025

64th for Arts and Humanities in the QS World Subject Rankings 2024

Application deadline

29 January

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

Information not available

Please check with the institution for most up to date details.


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University information

University of Birmingham

University of Birmingham

  • University League Table


  • Campus address

    University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, Birmingham, Birmingham, B15 2TT, England

The University of Birmingham is a founding member of the elite Russell Group of UK universities.
Based in the second largest city in the UK, Birmingham offers an outstanding international student experience.
The university has a vibrant international student community and is home to over 10,000 international students from approximately 150 countries.

Subject rankings

  • Subject ranking

    11th out of 47 1

    18th out of 101 5

  • Entry standards

    / Max 210
    154 73%


  • Graduate prospects

    / Max 100
    82.0 82%


  • Student satisfaction

    / Max 4
    3.13 78%


  • Entry standards

    / Max 206
    142 69%


  • Graduate prospects

    / Max 100
    69.0 69%


  • Student satisfaction

    / Max 4
    2.87 72%



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