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Course options

  • Qualification

    MRes - Master of Research

  • Location

    University Park Campus

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    1 year

Course summary

Research overview

Join one of UK's leading physics and astronomy schools. 98% of our research is classed as ‘world-leading’ (4) or ‘internationally excellent’ (3) by the the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021.

We conduct internationally leading research in a wide range of experimental and theoretical areas of physics and astronomy. Explore our research groups below to see what opportunities we can offer.

Research groups:

  • Astronomy

  • Cold Atoms and Quantum Optics

  • Condensed Matter Theory

  • Experimental Condensed Matter and Nanoscience

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging

  • Particle Cosmology
  • Your PhD will be about conducting original research in an area of your choice under the supervision of academic staff members. You will be encouraged to participate in national and international conferences to present your work, and you will be supported in submitting your results for publication in scientific journals. You will participate in seminars and be part of the vibrant research community of our School.


    Whether you are considering a career in academia, industry or haven't yet decided,

  • we’re here to support you every step of the way.
  • Expert staff will work with you to explore PhD career options and apply for vacancies, develop your interview skills and meet employers. You can book a one-to-one appointment, take an online course or attend a workshop.

    International students who complete an eligible degree programme in the UK on a student visa can apply to stay and work in the UK after their course under the

  • Graduate immigration route
  • . Eligible courses at the University of Nottingham include bachelors, masters and research degrees, and PGCE courses.

    Tuition fees

    Students living in United States
    (International fees)

    £ 30,750per year

    Tuition fees shown are for indicative purposes and may vary. Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

    University information

    University of Nottingham

    University of Nottingham

    • University League Table


    • Campus address

      University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham, Nottingham, NG7 2RD, England

    Career-boosting opportunities including internships and work placements, exchange programmes, international campuses, and entrepreneurial support.
    A range of prestigious international scholarships for high-achieving students from around the world.
    A top uni for sport and fitness with sports scholarships, 70+ sports clubs, superb facilities on all campuses, and a great track record in UK sports leagues.

    Subject rankings

    • Subject ranking

      16th out of 48 2

    • Entry standards

      / Max 228
      168 74%


    • Graduate prospects

      / Max 100
      83.0 83%


    • Student satisfaction

      / Max 4
      3.07 77%



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