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Course options

  • Qualification

    Masters in Physiotherapy - MPhysio

  • Location

    Queen Margaret University

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    4 Years

Course summary

This four year integrated master’s course will equip you with the expertise and practical skills that you need to work as a registered physiotherapist in the private or public health and social care sector. You will thrive in our supportive environment and benefit from placements in each year.

Why QMU?

• Supportive and vibrant learning environment: We are smaller by design than many universities, so you will enjoy smaller class sizes and a close, supportive relationship with our academic team. You will be part of a vibrant and social learning community that is integrated across all Physiotherapy year groups.
• Learning and teaching methods make for a great learning experience: You will benefit from a carefully considered balance of theory and practical learning. Extracurricular opportunities can further develop your physiotherapy skills.
• Professional recognition and registration: The course is approved by the Health & Care Professions Council On graduation, you will be eligible to apply for registration with the HCPC and a physiotherapist and to apply for membership of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.
• Ranked highly in the UK: There is 100% overall satisfaction with our Master of Physiotherapy (MPhys)/BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy course (National Student Survey 2023) and we ranked 5th in the UK for Physiotherapy (Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2024).

On this course you will

• Be able to register with the HCPC and practise as a physiotherapist on graduation.
• Be able to confidently deliver safe, effective and person-centred physiotherapy care on graduation.
• Become part of a community of learners, working collaboratively with lecturers, clinical staff, service users and other students on a transformational journey towards registration.
• Carry out invaluable practice-based placements in each year that will enrich your learning. Placements will take place in a variety of real health and social care settings and you will work (supported by a registered physiotherapist) with patients, their carers and families, and with other health and social care professionals.Physiotherapists are healthcare professionals who use person-centred approaches to make a difference to people’s lives. Physiotherapists work in a wide range of settings and focus on the management and prevention of problems relating to movement and function across the life-span.

Physiotherapy is a demanding course and we recommend that you research the career thoroughly and consider work shadowing before you come to QMU

This is a four year integrated undergraduate master’s course that leads to eligibility to apply for registration with the HCPC as a physiotherapist. Students commence the course with a view to graduating with a Master of Physiotherapy (MPhys) in four years. Years Three and Four will include some study alongside postgraduate students studying on the MSc Physiotherapy (Pre-Registration) course. There is an option for students to choose a BSc (Hons) route at the end of Year Two and they will still be eligible to apply for registration with the HCPC as a physiotherapist.

Application deadline

29 January

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

£ 17,325per year

Tuition fees shown are for indicative purposes and may vary. Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

Entry requirements


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University information

Queen Margaret University Edinburgh

  • University League Table


  • Campus address

    Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, Queen Margaret University Drive, Musselburgh, Edinburgh, EH21 6UU, Scotland

QMU is a safe, friendly, and compact university with an award-winning, accessible, and welcoming campus. Attractive student accommodation is located on campus.
It's just 6 minutes by train from the centre of Edinburgh, home of the famous International Festival, and many European cities are just a short flight away.
With an excellent reputation for the quality of learning and teaching, QMU also offers comprehensive student support, which includes career advice for life.

Subject rankings

  • Subject ranking

    18th out of 41 1

  • Entry standards

    / Max 216

  • Graduate prospects

    / Max 100
    100.0 100%


  • Student satisfaction

    / Max 4
    3.46 87%



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