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Publishing (with Integrated Foundation Year) BA (Hons)

University for the Creative Arts

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Course options

  • Qualification

    Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - BA (Hons)

  • Location


  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    4 Years

Course summary

Forge your path as a literary entrepreneur, armed with the skills to navigate the evolving landscape of the publishing world, on our new BA (Hons) Publishing degree course at UCA Farnham.You’ll delve into the core principles of publishing — across traditional and digital spheres of industry — understanding the intricacies of editorial decisions, manuscript curation, and the various facets of the publishing process.You’ll become a skilled editor, able to curate manuscripts, provide constructive feedback, and understand the delicate balance between preserving an author's vision and enhancing market appeal. In turn, you’ll develop the interpersonal skills to effectively work with authors and build marketing strategies that best suit them.And you’ll have the chance to put your new-found skills to the test through hands-on projects to bring real publishing concepts to fruition – all under the guidance of experienced professionals. You’ll also benefit from exclusive industry partnerships, guest lectures, and networking opportunities, to help you connect with established publishers and gain valuable insights into the latest trends as well as emerging opportunities in the world of publishing.This is a transformative journey into the world of publishing – giving you the perfect foundation for an exciting career.

Application deadline

29 January

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

£ 16,950per year

Tuition fees shown are for indicative purposes and may vary. Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

Entry requirements

Choose a qualification

UCAS Points : 32 - 168

We consider the strength of our applicants’ portfolios as well as their grades and we therefore may make offers which are lower than our standard entry criteria of 112 tariff points. This may be to students who have faced difficulties that have affected their performance and who were expected to achieve higher results - in these cases, a strong portfolio is especially important. We regularly admit students with a tariff much higher than our standard 112 requirement, and applicants who show potential but aren’t quite at


University information

University for the Creative Arts

  • University League Table


  • Campus address

    University for the Creative Arts, Falkner Road, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 7DS, England

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