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Renewable Energy Management (Work Placement) MSc

Coventry University

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Course options

  • Qualification

    MSc - Master of Science

  • Location

    Coventry University

  • Study mode

    Part time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    2 years

Course summary


The ways that we currently source and consume energy need to be transformed if we are to avoid the worst consequences of climate and ecosystem breakdown. The MSc Renewable Energy Management course has been designed to equip you with the knowledge, skills and experience needed to access the burgeoning renewable energy jobs markets upon successful completion, and aims to help facilitate this global energy system transition.

The challenge of transition is sizable. Some technological solutions do already exist, with the electricity sector transition well underway, and with wind, solar PV and electrification of heating and transport taking bold steps. Hydrogen, CCS and further energy efficiency improvements are also gaining prominence in the quest for a clean energy future. However, if we are to curtail and reverse greenhouse gas emissions in the energy sector within the next decade, tough business and policy decisions lay ahead. There should be plentiful career options post graduation for those who master the wave of the energy transition as it unfurls before us.

The Renewable Energy Management MSc course aims to support persons looking to begin careers that will contribute to the affordable, reliable and sustainable delivery of energy-for-all. You will have the opportunity to develop skills to appraise renewable energy projects and explore how to strengthen governance structures, in order to accelerate the decarbonisation process – within communities, organisations and nationally.

The course is designed to have a strong international dimension, with emphasis placed on understanding the different approaches to energy provision based on climatic, social and economic conditions. Career options upon successful completion could range from conducting feasibility studies for renewable energy systems, to energy officer/auditor roles within commercial/government organisations, or analyst roles with companies involved in energy markets.

Work placement option

This master's programme provides you with the additional option to apply for a 'work placement' opportunity during your first semester with us for up to 12 months, extending the duration of your degree to 24 months. The 'work placement', which if secured, can be carried out in the second year and is designed to further develop your skills, knowledge and professional experience, with the aim of maximising your employability prospects upon successful completion of the course.

This course is accredited and recognised by Chartered Management Institute (CMI).

Career prospects

We are seeing extensive divestment in the various fossil fuel sector, which will require simultaneous investment in clean energy systems. This change is already taking place and will need to keep doing so at an increasing rate. Successful graduates from this course will be well positioned to take advantage of jobs in positions such as energy officers, consultants, analysts, advisors, R&D, NGOs, government energy agencies, as well as the many oil and gas corporations that are now turning their sights on decarbonisation.

Modules are specifically designed to equip students with the skills necessary to immediately access the burgeoning renewable energy jobs markets, whether it be feasibility studies for renewable energy systems, energy officer/auditor roles within commercial/government organisations, or analyst roles with companies involved in energy markets. Assignments are predominantly based on applied, real-world tasks. Supported by staff with industry experience, students are given the flexibility to determine their final dissertation topic thus providing the opportunity for a stepping-stone towards their preferred career path.

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

Information not available

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University information

Coventry University

Coventry University

  • University League Table


  • Campus address

    Coventry University, Priory Street, Coventry, Warwickshire, CV1 5FB, England

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