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Tourism Management BSc (Hons)

Bangor University

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Course options

  • Qualification

    Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - BSc (Hons)

  • Location

    Main Site

  • Study mode

    Full time

  • Start date


  • Duration

    3 Years

Course summary

About This Course

As the world re-opens its doors after the pandemic, its natural to wonder: Is Tourism Management a good degree for future jobs?

The fact is that tourism remains one of the largest industries in the world with a global value of US$ 1 trillion a year, responsible for six to seven per cent of all employment. With changes to technology, destinations and consumer attitudes, theres never been a more exciting time to study a BSc Tourism Management.

Blending theory, best practice, industry insight, the opportunity for short and longer-term placements and visits to tourism businesses, our Tourism Management degree provides a solid grounding in tourism management, marketing and economics. It nurtures the creativity, adaptability, and flexibility to succeed in travel and tourism today.

Modern tourism management requires individuals who can respond to the changing needs and sensitivities of all stakeholders: consumers, operators, governments and suppliers, as well as the communities affected by promoted attractions and resorts.

With a focus on sustainable tourism and destination marketing, our BSc in Tourism Management not only considers how to make various destinations attractive, but also the issues that can arise – from respecting local cultural sensitivities and minimising environmental impact, to displacement and second home tourism.

Where better to study, explore and assess the economic, environmental, cultural and social impact of tourism today than in a location that attracts millions of visitors each year. Sitting between the mountains and the sea, Bangor is a historic, cathedral city, with Snowdonia National Park and Angleseys coastline close by.

Bangor Universitys tourism management legacy dates back over six decades, when one of our original academics first developed the concept of positive economic impact of tourism.


In 2021, there were 289 million jobs in the travel and tourism sector worldwide. Here in the UK alone, it remains one of the largest employers with millions working in travel companies, transport, accommodation, hospitality, leisure and more.

Its a career that can take you all over the world, which is a good reason to learn a second language for free during your time here at Bangor. You can also study or work abroad during your time here.

On successfully completing the BSc in Tourism Management, youll have gained the knowledge and skills to take the tourism industry forward and into the future, with a particular focus on the development of sustainable tourism products and services.

You could go on to pursue a wide range of roles from destination and tour management to tourist information and visitor bureaus, passenger transport, consulting or for the operators themselves – cruise companies, airlines, hotel chains, heritage and cultural organisations, music venues, conference centres or theme parks, to name just a few.

Application deadline

29 January

Tuition fees

Students living in United States
(International fees)

Information not available

Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

Entry requirements

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A level :

General Studies and Key Skills not normally accepted.


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University information

Bangor University

Bangor University

  • University League Table


  • Campus address

    Bangor University, Bangor (Wales), LL57 2DG, Wales

With more than 10,000 students from across the world, Bangor University offers a diverse and friendly environment.
Bangor University offers postgraduate scholarships, studentships, and bursaries for international students.
The uni's International Student Support Office offers free guidance on any concerns from student life, visa, or family to accommodation and general wellbeing.

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